ASCT+B Validation Reports for Brain (2025-02-26)
Table of contents
- Invalid terms
- Relationship reports
- New CL terms
- New UBERON terms
- Informative reports (valid relationships)
Invalid terms
These are the reports related to issues in the terms found in the ASCT+B table. We validate only CL, UBERON and PCL terms.
Terms not found
This report provides a list of terms not found neither in UBERON nor in CL. Please remove these terms from the ASCT+B table - disconsider this message if a term was recently added to the ontology.
- No issues found.
Typos or punctuation mistakes
This report provides a general quality check of the terms used in the ASCT+B table. Typos, font case (upper case), punctuation mistakes in IDs: two colons, spaces, underscore instead of a colon.
- No issues found.
Different labels
This report provides a list of terms having different names/labels found in the ontology and related to the one found in the ASCT+B table. Make sure to add the term's name/label in the column AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL. If the SME wants to give another name/label, please use the column AS/N or CT/N. N is the number in the column.
If the term's name/label and the name/label given by SME are too different, please make sure the term ID and its name/label are matching in OLS.
If the name/label in the ontology contains obsolete, please look into OLS, clicking on the term ID, for its replacement.
The term PCL:0051276 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 433. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_275 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_275 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_275. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051272 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 429. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_271 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_271 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_271. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051275 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 432. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_274 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_274 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_274. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term CL:0000402 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 12 rows 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CNS interneuron and the one in the ontology is obsolete CNS interneuron. For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is CNS interneuron. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051271 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 428. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_270 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_270 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_270. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051268 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 425. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_267 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_267 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_267. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051273 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 430. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_272 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_272 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_272. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051270 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 427. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_269 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_269 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_269. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051274 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 431. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_273 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_273 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_273. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051284 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 441. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CGE_283 caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is CGE_283 caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is CGE_283. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051279 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 436. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CGE_278 caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is CGE_278 caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is CGE_278. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051269 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 426. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is LLC_268 CNS interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is LLC_268 interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is LLC_268. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051278 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 435. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CGE_277 caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is CGE_277 caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is CGE_277. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term PCL:0051283 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 1 row 440. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CGE_282 caudal ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) and the one in the ontology is CGE_282 caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron (Hsap). For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is CGE_282. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
Blank ontology ID
This report provides a list of blank spreadsheet cells that often mean no ontology mapping found by the author. However, in some cases, a term with a synonym already exists. Please search in OLS.
You can find more information on the New CL terms or New UBERON terms reports.
No term id was found for the name/label frontomarginal gyrus in the following 1 row 29.
No term id was found for the name/label occipitoparietal transition region in the following 1 row 48.
No term id was found for the name/label occipitotemporal transition region in the following 1 row 49.
No term id was found for the name/label occipitotemporal (fusiform) gyrus, occipital part in the following 1 row 52.
No term id was found for the name/label cingulate gyrus, retrospleninal part in the following 1 row 59.
No term id was found for the name/label head of hippocampus in the following 1 row 66.
No term id was found for the name/label body of hippocampus in the following 1 row 67.
No term id was found for the name/label septal nuclei in the following 1 row 87.
No term id was found for the name/label atrium of lateral ventricle in the following 1 row 123.
No term id was found for the name/label ifs1 in the following 1 row 152.
No term id was found for the name/label ifs2 in the following 1 row 153.
No term id was found for the name/label ifs3 in the following 1 row 154.
No term id was found for the name/label ifs4 in the following 1 row 155.
No term id was found for the name/label inferior frontal junction in the following 2 rows 156, 157.
No term id was found for the name/label ifj1 in the following 1 row 156.
No term id was found for the name/label ifj2 in the following 1 row 157.
No term id was found for the name/label thalamus in the following 20 rows 200, 492, 511, 533, 600, 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618.
No term id was found for the name/label amygdaloid complex in the following 5 rows 311, 313, 318, 321, 378.
Blank ontology ID missing parent
This report provides a list of CT terms with blank ontology ID without an upper term from Cell Ontology. Please, create an upper level in the ASCT+B table and add an upper term for them. Please, make sure the term without ontology ID doesn't exist in the ontology.
- No issues found.
Terms from another ontology
This report provides a list of terms from another ontologies that we do not validate. Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) ontology IDs are provided when an adequate term is not found in UBERON. Same case for Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation (LMHA) and Interlex IDs (ILX) from Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC). You can request cross-database request the same way a new term request. Please be sure if a term with a related synonym is already in the source ontologies CL or UBERON or PCL.
- No issues found.
Relationship reports
These reports are other representations of the ASCT+B table. We split each row into pairs with adjacent terms, resulting in a table with two primary columns, object (o), left side and subject (s), right side. The experts' labels for the subject and object are in the columns user_slabel and user_olabel. The other columns are the subject label (s_label) and object label (o_label), the label from the source ontologies.
The report means it could not find a partonomy relationship in the source ontologies, but it doesn't mean this relationship is entirely invalid. In some cases, the pair is in the inverse order. In other cases, the relationship is missing in the source ontologies. Finally, how it was modelled in the ASCT+B table is not aligned with the ontologies sources and needs a more general discussion.
How to read a table entry
In the ASCT+B table
AS/2 | AS/2/LABEL | AS/2/ID | AS/3 | AS/3/LABEL | AS/3/ID |
lens | lens | UBERON:0000965 | ciliary zonules | suspensory ligament of lens | UBERON:0006762 |
In the Relationship Report
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel |
UBERON:0006762 | suspensory ligament of lens | ciliary zonules | UBERON:0000965 | lens | lens |
Relationship AS-AS report
This table contains terms for anatomical structures that are related to each other according to the ASCT+B table but are not related to each other in source ontologies via one of the relation types we consider valid for ASCT+B tables. Valid relationships are: part_of, e.g. corneal endothelium part_of cornea; subClassOf, e.g. left kidney subClassOf (is_a) kidney; and overlaps (has some part in), e.g. ureter overlaps kidney; connected_to, e.g. TBA. part_of and subClassOf relationships should be specific to general, e.g. left kidney (specific) to kidney (general); corneal endothelium (specific) to cornea (general). The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel | row_number | deltaIC | |
0 | UBERON:0002127 | inferior olivary complex | inferior olive | UBERON:0024151 | tegmentum | tegmentum of the medulla | 145 | 18.2601 |
1 | UBERON:0006083 | perirhinal cortex | perirhinal gyrus ( rostral part of FuGt) | UBERON:0022364 | occipital fusiform gyrus | occipitotemporal (fusiform) gyrus, temporal part | 41 | 11.8004 |
2 | UBERON:0001717 | spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve | spinal trigeminal nucleus | UBERON:0024151 | tegmentum | tegmentum of the medulla | 144 | 10.5996 |
3 | UBERON:0001943 | midbrain tegmentum | midbrain tegmentum | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 128 | 7.80139 |
4 | UBERON:0006083 | perirhinal cortex | perirhinal lobule | UBERON:0002576 | temporal pole | temporal pole | 45 | 7.23538 |
5 | UBERON:0002688 | supramarginal gyrus | supramarginal gyrus | UBERON:0006088 | inferior parietal cortex | inferior parietal lobule | 33 | 6.03462 |
6 | UBERON:0001945 | superior colliculus | superior colliculus | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 132 | 3.75757 |
7 | UBERON:0001944 | Pretectal region | Pretectal region | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 127 | 3.3134 |
8 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 345 | 3.06076 |
9 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 346 | 3.06076 |
10 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 354 | 3.06076 |
11 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 348 | 3.06076 |
12 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 349 | 3.06076 |
13 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 350 | 3.06076 |
14 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 351 | 3.06076 |
15 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 352 | 3.06076 |
16 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 353 | 3.06076 |
17 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 344 | 3.06076 |
18 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 357 | 3.06076 |
19 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 355 | 3.06076 |
20 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 342 | 3.06076 |
21 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 358 | 3.06076 |
22 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 359 | 3.06076 |
23 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 360 | 3.06076 |
24 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 361 | 3.06076 |
25 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 362 | 3.06076 |
26 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 363 | 3.06076 |
27 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 364 | 3.06076 |
28 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 405 | 3.06076 |
29 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 426 | 3.06076 |
30 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 343 | 3.06076 |
31 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 340 | 3.06076 |
32 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 341 | 3.06076 |
33 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 277 | 3.06076 |
34 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 66 | 3.06076 |
35 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 339 | 3.06076 |
36 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 211 | 3.06076 |
37 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 242 | 3.06076 |
38 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 68 | 3.06076 |
39 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 269 | 3.06076 |
40 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 327 | 3.06076 |
41 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 329 | 3.06076 |
42 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 334 | 3.06076 |
43 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 337 | 3.06076 |
44 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 338 | 3.06076 |
45 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 67 | 3.06076 |
46 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 464 | 3.03119 |
47 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 462 | 3.03119 |
48 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 461 | 3.03119 |
49 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 139 | 3.03119 |
50 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 136 | 3.03119 |
51 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 137 | 3.03119 |
52 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 138 | 3.03119 |
53 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 140 | 3.03119 |
54 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 209 | 3.03119 |
55 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 500 | 3.03119 |
56 | UBERON:0002038 | substantia nigra | substantia nigra | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 131 | 2.67036 |
57 | UBERON:0001946 | inferior colliculus | inferior colliculus | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 133 | 0.248555 |
58 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 12 | nan |
59 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 13 | nan |
60 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 14 | nan |
61 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 15 | nan |
62 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 16 | nan |
63 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 17 | nan |
64 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 18 | nan |
65 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 19 | nan |
66 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 20 | nan |
67 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 21 | nan |
68 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 22 | nan |
69 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 23 | nan |
70 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 24 | nan |
71 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 25 | nan |
72 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 26 | nan |
73 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 27 | nan |
74 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 28 | nan |
75 | UBERON:0004725 | piriform cortex | lateral olfactory gyrus | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | 28 | nan |
76 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 29 | nan |
77 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 30 | nan |
78 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 31 | nan |
79 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 32 | nan |
80 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 33 | nan |
81 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 34 | nan |
82 | UBERON:0002686 | angular gyrus | angular gyrus | UBERON:0006088 | inferior parietal cortex | inferior parietal lobule | 34 | nan |
83 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 35 | nan |
84 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 36 | nan |
85 | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 37 | nan |
86 | UBERON:0002911 | parietal operculum | parietal operculum | UBERON:0001872 | parietal lobe | parietal lobe | 37 | nan |
87 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 38 | nan |
88 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 39 | nan |
89 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 40 | nan |
90 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 41 | nan |
91 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 42 | nan |
92 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 43 | nan |
93 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 44 | nan |
94 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 45 | nan |
95 | UBERON:0001871 | temporal lobe | temporal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 46 | nan |
96 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 57 | nan |
97 | UBERON:0002967 | cingulate gyrus | cingulate gyrus | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 57 | nan |
98 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 58 | nan |
99 | UBERON:0002967 | cingulate gyrus | cingulate gyrus | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 58 | nan |
100 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 59 | nan |
101 | UBERON:0002967 | cingulate gyrus | cingulate gyrus | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 59 | nan |
102 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 60 | nan |
103 | UBERON:0002738 | isthmus of cingulate gyrus | cingulo-parahippocampal isthmus | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 60 | nan |
104 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 61 | nan |
105 | UBERON:0003020 | subcallosal area | subcallosal gyrus (parolfactory gyrus) | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 61 | nan |
106 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 62 | nan |
107 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 63 | nan |
108 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 64 | nan |
109 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 65 | nan |
110 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 66 | nan |
111 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 67 | nan |
112 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 68 | nan |
113 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 69 | nan |
114 | UBERON:0002590 | prepyriform area | prepiriform region | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 69 | nan |
115 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 70 | nan |
116 | UBERON:0002264 | olfactory bulb | Olfactory bulb | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | 70 | nan |
117 | UBERON:0001880 | bed nucleus of stria terminalis | bed nucleus of stria terminalis | UBERON:0001876 | amygdala | amygdaloid complex | 80 | nan |
118 | UBERON:0010011 | collection of basal ganglia | basal nuclei (basal ganglia) | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 81 | nan |
119 | UBERON:0010011 | collection of basal ganglia | basal nuclei (basal ganglia) | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 82 | nan |
120 | UBERON:0010011 | collection of basal ganglia | basal nuclei (basal ganglia) | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 83 | nan |
121 | UBERON:0010011 | collection of basal ganglia | basal nuclei (basal ganglia) | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 84 | nan |
122 | UBERON:0010011 | collection of basal ganglia | basal nuclei (basal ganglia) | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 85 | nan |
123 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 87 | nan |
124 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 88 | nan |
125 | UBERON:0001920 | paraventricular nucleus of thalamus | paraventricular nucleus of thalamus | UBERON:0001899 | epithalamus | epithalamus | 105 | nan |
126 | UBERON:0007769 | medial preoptic region | preoptic region | UBERON:0007769 | medial preoptic region | preoptic region | 109 | nan |
127 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | mammillary region | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 112 | nan |
128 | UBERON:0000052 | fornix of brain | fornix | UBERON:0019261 | white matter of forebrain | white matter of forebrain | 115 | nan |
129 | UBERON:0002990 | mammillothalamic tract of hypothalamus | mammillothalamic tract | UBERON:0019261 | white matter of forebrain | white matter of forebrain | 117 | nan |
130 | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | lateral ventricles | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 121 | nan |
131 | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | lateral ventricles | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 122 | nan |
132 | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | lateral ventricles | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 123 | nan |
133 | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | lateral ventricles | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 124 | nan |
134 | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | lateral ventricles | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 125 | nan |
135 | UBERON:0002286 | third ventricle | third ventricle | UBERON:0002285 | telencephalic ventricle | ventricle of forebrain | 126 | nan |
136 | UBERON:0001947 | red nucleus | red nucleus | UBERON:0019267 | gray matter of midbrain | gray matter of midbrain | 130 | nan |
137 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 141 | nan |
138 | UBERON:0007228 | vestibular nucleus | vestibular nuclei | UBERON:0003023 | pontine tegmentum | pontine tegmentum | 141 | nan |
139 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 142 | nan |
140 | UBERON:0007634 | parabrachial nucleus | parabrachial nuclei | UBERON:0003023 | pontine tegmentum | pontine tegmentum | 142 | nan |
141 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 143 | nan |
142 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 144 | nan |
143 | UBERON:0024151 | tegmentum | tegmentum of the medulla | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 144 | nan |
144 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 145 | nan |
145 | UBERON:0024151 | tegmentum | tegmentum of the medulla | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 145 | nan |
146 | UBERON:0002707 | corticospinal tract | pyramidal tract | UBERON:0019258 | white matter of hindbrain | white matter of hindbrain | 146 | nan |
147 | UBERON:0002150 | superior cerebellar peduncle | superior cerebellar peduncle | UBERON:0019258 | white matter of hindbrain | white matter of hindbrain | 147 | nan |
148 | UBERON:0004086 | brain ventricle | ventricles of hindbrain | UBERON:0002028 | hindbrain | hindbrain (rhombencephalon) | 150 | nan |
149 | UBERON:0004086 | brain ventricle | ventricles of hindbrain | UBERON:0002028 | hindbrain | hindbrain (rhombencephalon) | 151 | nan |
150 | UBERON:0002291 | central canal of spinal cord | central canal of medulla oblongata | UBERON:0004086 | brain ventricle | ventricles of hindbrain | 151 | nan |
151 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 152 | nan |
152 | UBERON:0002761 | inferior frontal sulcus | inferior frontal sulcus | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | 152 | nan |
153 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 153 | nan |
154 | UBERON:0002761 | inferior frontal sulcus | inferior frontal sulcus | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | 153 | nan |
155 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 154 | nan |
156 | UBERON:0002761 | inferior frontal sulcus | inferior frontal sulcus | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | 154 | nan |
157 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 155 | nan |
158 | UBERON:0002761 | inferior frontal sulcus | inferior frontal sulcus | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | 155 | nan |
159 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 156 | nan |
160 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 157 | nan |
204 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 211 | nan |
233 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 236 | nan |
235 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 237 | nan |
237 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 238 | nan |
239 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 242 | nan |
255 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 269 | nan |
258 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 277 | nan |
260 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 327 | nan |
262 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 329 | nan |
266 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 334 | nan |
270 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 337 | nan |
271 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 338 | nan |
272 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 339 | nan |
273 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 340 | nan |
274 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 341 | nan |
275 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 342 | nan |
276 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 343 | nan |
277 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 344 | nan |
278 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 345 | nan |
279 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 346 | nan |
280 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 348 | nan |
282 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 349 | nan |
284 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 350 | nan |
286 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 351 | nan |
288 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 352 | nan |
290 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 353 | nan |
292 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 354 | nan |
294 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 355 | nan |
297 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 357 | nan |
298 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 358 | nan |
299 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 359 | nan |
300 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 360 | nan |
301 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 361 | nan |
302 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 362 | nan |
303 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 363 | nan |
304 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 364 | nan |
306 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 365 | nan |
309 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 367 | nan |
311 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 368 | nan |
314 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 370 | nan |
323 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 380 | nan |
337 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 405 | nan |
351 | UBERON:0002600 | limbic lobe | limbic lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 426 | nan |
369 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 459 | nan |
377 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 473 | nan |
380 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 475 | nan |
382 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 476 | nan |
384 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 477 | nan |
386 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 478 | nan |
388 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 479 | nan |
395 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 496 | nan |
397 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 497 | nan |
400 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 499 | nan |
403 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 501 | nan |
407 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 504 | nan |
409 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 505 | nan |
411 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 506 | nan |
413 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 507 | nan |
415 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 508 | nan |
444 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 537 | nan |
452 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 544 | nan |
455 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 546 | nan |
462 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 552 | nan |
468 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 557 | nan |
508 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 619 | nan |
509 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 620 | nan |
510 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 621 | nan |
511 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 622 | nan |
512 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 623 | nan |
513 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 624 | nan |
514 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 625 | nan |
516 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 626 | nan |
518 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 627 | nan |
519 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 628 | nan |
520 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 629 | nan |
522 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 630 | nan |
523 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 631 | nan |
525 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 632 | nan |
526 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 633 | nan |
527 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 634 | nan |
529 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 635 | nan |
531 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 636 | nan |
533 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 637 | nan |
534 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 638 | nan |
535 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 639 | nan |
536 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 640 | nan |
537 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 641 | nan |
538 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 642 | nan |
539 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 643 | nan |
540 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 644 | nan |
541 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 645 | nan |
542 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 646 | nan |
543 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 647 | nan |
544 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 648 | nan |
545 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 649 | nan |
546 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 650 | nan |
547 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 651 | nan |
548 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 652 | nan |
549 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 653 | nan |
550 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 654 | nan |
551 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 655 | nan |
552 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 656 | nan |
553 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 657 | nan |
554 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 658 | nan |
555 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 659 | nan |
556 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 660 | nan |
557 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 661 | nan |
558 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 662 | nan |
559 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 663 | nan |
560 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 664 | nan |
561 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 665 | nan |
562 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 666 | nan |
563 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 667 | nan |
564 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 668 | nan |
565 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 669 | nan |
566 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 670 | nan |
567 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 671 | nan |
568 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 672 | nan |
569 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 673 | nan |
570 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 674 | nan |
571 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 675 | nan |
572 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 676 | nan |
573 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 677 | nan |
574 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 678 | nan |
575 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 679 | nan |
576 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 680 | nan |
577 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 681 | nan |
578 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 682 | nan |
579 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 683 | nan |
580 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 684 | nan |
581 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 685 | nan |
582 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 686 | nan |
583 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 687 | nan |
584 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 688 | nan |
585 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 689 | nan |
586 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 690 | nan |
587 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 691 | nan |
588 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 692 | nan |
589 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 693 | nan |
590 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 694 | nan |
591 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 695 | nan |
592 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 696 | nan |
593 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 697 | nan |
594 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 698 | nan |
595 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 699 | nan |
596 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 700 | nan |
597 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 701 | nan |
598 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 702 | nan |
599 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 703 | nan |
600 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 704 | nan |
601 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 705 | nan |
602 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 706 | nan |
603 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 707 | nan |
604 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 708 | nan |
605 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 709 | nan |
606 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 710 | nan |
607 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 711 | nan |
608 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 712 | nan |
609 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 713 | nan |
610 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 714 | nan |
611 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 715 | nan |
612 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 716 | nan |
613 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 717 | nan |
614 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 718 | nan |
615 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 719 | nan |
616 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 720 | nan |
617 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 721 | nan |
619 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 722 | nan |
621 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 723 | nan |
623 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 724 | nan |
625 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 725 | nan |
627 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 726 | nan |
629 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 727 | nan |
630 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 728 | nan |
631 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 729 | nan |
632 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 730 | nan |
633 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 731 | nan |
634 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 732 | nan |
635 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 733 | nan |
636 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 734 | nan |
637 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 735 | nan |
638 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 736 | nan |
639 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 737 | nan |
640 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 738 | nan |
641 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 739 | nan |
642 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 740 | nan |
643 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 741 | nan |
644 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 742 | nan |
645 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 743 | nan |
647 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 744 | nan |
649 | UBERON:0016525 | frontal lobe | frontal lobe | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 745 | nan |
Relationship CT-CT report
In the case of the CT-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for sub class of, part of and overlaps in the source ontologies. The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel | row_number | deltaIC | |
202 | PCL:0051053 | Astro_52 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_52 | CL:0002605 | astrocyte of the cerebral cortex | astrocyte of the cerebral cortex | 210 | nan |
205 | PCL:0051054 | Astro_53 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_53 | CL:0002604 | hippocampal astrocyte | hippocampal astrocyte | 211 | nan |
207 | PCL:0051055 | Astro_54 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_54 | CL:0012000 | astrocyte of the forebrain | astrocyte of the forebrain | 212 | nan |
209 | PCL:0051056 | Astro_55 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_55 | CL:0012000 | astrocyte of the forebrain | astrocyte of the forebrain | 213 | nan |
212 | PCL:0051058 | Astro_57 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_57 | CL:0012000 | astrocyte of the forebrain | astrocyte of the forebrain | 215 | nan |
214 | PCL:0051059 | Astro_58 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_58 | CL:0002605 | astrocyte of the cerebral cortex | astrocyte of the cerebral cortex | 216 | nan |
343 | PCL:0051265 | LLC_264 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_264 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 422 | nan |
345 | PCL:0051266 | LLC_265 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_265 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 423 | nan |
347 | PCL:0051267 | LLC_266 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_266 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 424 | nan |
349 | PCL:0051268 | LLC_267 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_267 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 425 | nan |
352 | PCL:0051269 | LLC_268 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_268 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 426 | nan |
354 | PCL:0051270 | LLC_269 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_269 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 427 | nan |
356 | PCL:0051271 | LLC_270 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_270 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 428 | nan |
358 | PCL:0051272 | LLC_271 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_271 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 429 | nan |
360 | PCL:0051273 | LLC_272 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_272 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 430 | nan |
362 | PCL:0051274 | LLC_273 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_273 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 431 | nan |
364 | PCL:0051275 | LLC_274 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_274 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 432 | nan |
366 | PCL:0051276 | LLC_275 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_275 | CL:0000402 | obsolete CNS interneuron | CNS interneuron | 433 | nan |
515 | PCL:0015007 | Inh L3-6 PAX6 LINC01497 primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L3-6 PAX6 LINC01497 | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 625 | nan |
517 | PCL:0015008 | Inh L1 PAX6 MIR101-1 primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L1 PAX6 MIR101-1 | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 626 | nan |
521 | PCL:0015009 | Inh L1 PAX6 CHRFAM7A primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L1 PAX6 CHRFAM7A | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 629 | nan |
524 | PCL:0015011 | Inh L2 PAX6 FREM2 primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L2 PAX6 FREM2 | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 631 | nan |
528 | PCL:0015016 | Inh L1 PVALB-like SST ASIC4 primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L1 PVALB SST ASIC4 | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 634 | nan |
530 | PCL:0015017 | Inh L1 SST P4HA3 primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L1 SST P4HA3 | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 635 | nan |
532 | PCL:0015018 | Inh L1 SST DEFB108B primary motor cortex GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | Inh L1 SST DEFB108B | CL:4023064 | caudal ganglionic eminence derived cortical interneuron | CGE interneuron | 636 | nan |
618 | PCL:0015104 | Exc L6 FEZF2 PDYN primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L6 FEZF2 PDYN | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 721 | nan |
620 | PCL:0015105 | Exc L6 FEZF2 FFAR4 primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L6 FEZF2 FFAR4 | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 722 | nan |
622 | PCL:0015106 | Exc L6 FEZF2 PROKR2 primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L6 FEZF2 PROKR2 | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 723 | nan |
624 | PCL:0015107 | Exc L5-6 FEZF2 CFTR primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L5-6 FEZF2 CFTR | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 724 | nan |
626 | PCL:0015108 | Exc L6 FEZF2 KLK7 primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L6 FEZF2 KLK7 | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 725 | nan |
628 | PCL:0015109 | Exc L6 FEZF2 POGK primary motor cortex glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | Exc L6 FEZF2 POGK | CL:4023038 | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | L6b glutamatergic cortical neuron | 726 | nan |
646 | PCL:0015125 | Endo L2-5 NOSTRIN SRGN primary motor cortex endothelial cell (Hsap) | Endo L2-5 NOSTRIN SRGN | CL:4023072 | brain vascular cell | brain vascular cell | 743 | nan |
648 | PCL:0015126 | VLMC L1-5 PDGFRA COLEC12 primary motor cortex vascular leptomeningeal cell (Hsap) | VLMC L1-5 PDGFRA COLEC12 | CL:4023072 | brain vascular cell | brain vascular cell | 744 | nan |
Relationship CT-AS report
In the case of the AS-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for connected to and has part in the source ontologies.
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel | row_number | deltaIC | |
161 | CL:0000236 | B cell | B cell | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 158 | nan |
162 | CL:0000084 | T cell | T cell | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 159 | nan |
163 | CL:0000623 | natural killer cell | NK cell | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 160 | nan |
164 | CL:0000576 | monocyte | monocyte | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 161 | nan |
165 | PCL:0051005 | Mgl_4 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_4 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 162 | nan |
166 | PCL:0051006 | Mgl_5 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_5 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 163 | nan |
167 | PCL:0051007 | Mgl_6 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_6 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 164 | nan |
168 | PCL:0051008 | Mgl_7 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_7 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 165 | nan |
169 | PCL:0051009 | Mgl_8 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_8 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 166 | nan |
170 | PCL:0051010 | Mgl_9 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_9 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 167 | nan |
171 | PCL:0051011 | Mgl_10 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_10 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 168 | nan |
172 | PCL:0051012 | Mgl_11 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_11 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 169 | nan |
173 | PCL:0051013 | Mgl_12 microglial cell (Hsap) | Mgl_12 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 170 | nan |
174 | PCL:0051025 | Fbl_24 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_24 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 182 | nan |
175 | PCL:0051026 | Fbl_25 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_25 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 183 | nan |
176 | PCL:0051027 | Fbl_26 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_26 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 184 | nan |
177 | PCL:0051028 | Fbl_27 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_27 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 185 | nan |
178 | PCL:0051029 | Fbl_28 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_28 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 186 | nan |
179 | PCL:0051030 | Fbl_29 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_29 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 187 | nan |
180 | PCL:0051031 | Fbl_30 fibroblast (Hsap) | Fbl_30 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 188 | nan |
181 | PCL:0051032 | Fbl_31 arachnoid barrier cell (Hsap) | Fbl_31 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 189 | nan |
182 | PCL:0051033 | OPC_32 oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Hsap) | OPC_32 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 190 | nan |
183 | PCL:0051034 | OPC_33 oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Hsap) | OPC_33 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 191 | nan |
184 | PCL:0051035 | OPC_34 oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Hsap) | OPC_34 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 192 | nan |
185 | PCL:0051036 | OPC_35 oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Hsap) | OPC_35 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 193 | nan |
186 | PCL:0051037 | OPC_36 oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Hsap) | OPC_36 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 194 | nan |
187 | PCL:0051038 | COP_37 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_37 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 195 | nan |
188 | PCL:0051039 | COP_38 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_38 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 196 | nan |
189 | PCL:0051040 | COP_39 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_39 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 197 | nan |
190 | PCL:0051041 | Oligo_40 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_40 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 198 | nan |
191 | PCL:0051042 | COP_41 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_41 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 199 | nan |
192 | PCL:0051043 | COP_42 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_42 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 200 | nan |
193 | PCL:0051044 | COP_43 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_43 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 201 | nan |
194 | PCL:0051045 | Oligo_44 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_44 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 202 | nan |
195 | PCL:0051046 | Oligo_45 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_45 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 203 | nan |
196 | PCL:0051047 | Oligo_46 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_46 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 204 | nan |
197 | PCL:0051048 | Oligo_47 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_47 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 205 | nan |
198 | PCL:0051049 | Oligo_48 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_48 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 206 | nan |
199 | PCL:0051050 | Oligo_49 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_49 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 207 | nan |
200 | PCL:0051051 | Oligo_50 oligodendrocyte (Hsap) | Oligo_50 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 208 | nan |
201 | PCL:0051052 | Bgl_51 Bergmann glial cell (Hsap) | Bgl_51 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | 209 | nan |
203 | PCL:0051053 | Astro_52 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_52 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 210 | nan |
206 | PCL:0051054 | Astro_53 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_53 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 211 | nan |
208 | PCL:0051055 | Astro_54 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_54 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 212 | nan |
210 | PCL:0051056 | Astro_55 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_55 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 213 | nan |
211 | PCL:0051057 | Astro_56 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_56 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 214 | nan |
213 | PCL:0051058 | Astro_57 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_57 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 215 | nan |
215 | PCL:0051059 | Astro_58 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_58 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 216 | nan |
216 | PCL:0051060 | Astro_59 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_59 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 217 | nan |
217 | PCL:0051061 | Astro_60 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_60 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 218 | nan |
218 | PCL:0051062 | Astro_61 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_61 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 219 | nan |
219 | PCL:0051063 | Astro_62 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_62 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 220 | nan |
220 | PCL:0051064 | Astro_63 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_63 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 221 | nan |
221 | PCL:0051065 | Astro_64 astrocyte (Hsap) | Astro_64 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 222 | nan |
222 | PCL:0051066 | Epen_65 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_65 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 223 | nan |
223 | PCL:0051067 | Epen_66 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_66 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 224 | nan |
224 | PCL:0051068 | Epen_67 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_67 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 225 | nan |
225 | PCL:0051069 | Epen_68 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_68 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 226 | nan |
226 | PCL:0051070 | Epen_69 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_69 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 227 | nan |
227 | PCL:0051071 | Epen_70 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_70 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 228 | nan |
228 | PCL:0051072 | Epen_71 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_71 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 229 | nan |
229 | PCL:0051073 | Epen_72 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_72 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 230 | nan |
230 | PCL:0051074 | Epen_73 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_73 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 231 | nan |
231 | PCL:0051075 | Epen_74 ependymal cell (Hsap) | Epen_74 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 232 | nan |
232 | PCL:0051076 | COP_75 differentiation-committed oligodendrocyte precursor (Hsap) | COP_75 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 233 | nan |
234 | PCL:0051079 | Chrp_78 choroid plexus epithelial cell (Hsap) | Chrp_78 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 236 | nan |
236 | PCL:0051080 | Chrp_79 choroid plexus epithelial cell (Hsap) | Chrp_79 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 237 | nan |
238 | PCL:0051081 | Chrp_80 choroid plexus epithelial cell (Hsap) | Chrp_80 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 238 | nan |
240 | PCL:0051085 | DLCT6b_84 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_84 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 242 | nan |
241 | PCL:0051098 | DLCT6b_97 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_97 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 255 | nan |
242 | PCL:0051099 | DLCT6b_98 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_98 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 256 | nan |
243 | PCL:0051100 | DLCT6b_99 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_99 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 257 | nan |
244 | PCL:0051101 | DLCT6b_100 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_100 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 258 | nan |
245 | PCL:0051102 | DLCT6b_101 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_101 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 259 | nan |
246 | PCL:0051103 | DLCT6b_102 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_102 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 260 | nan |
247 | PCL:0051104 | DLCT6b_103 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_103 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 261 | nan |
248 | PCL:0051105 | DLCT6b_104 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_104 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 262 | nan |
249 | PCL:0051106 | DLCT6b_105 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_105 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 263 | nan |
250 | PCL:0051107 | DLCT6b_106 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_106 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 264 | nan |
251 | PCL:0051108 | DLCT6b_107 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_107 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 265 | nan |
252 | PCL:0051109 | DLCT6b_108 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_108 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 266 | nan |
253 | PCL:0051110 | DLCT6b_109 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_109 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 267 | nan |
254 | PCL:0051111 | DLCT6b_110 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_110 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 268 | nan |
256 | PCL:0051112 | DLCT6b_111 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_111 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 269 | nan |
257 | PCL:0051113 | DLCT6b_112 glutamatergic neuron (Hsap) | DLCT6b_112 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 270 | nan |
259 | PCL:0051165 | Misc_164 neuron of the forebrain (Hsap) | Misc_164 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 322 | nan |
261 | PCL:0051171 | Misc_170 neuron of the forebrain (Hsap) | Misc_170 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 328 | nan |
263 | PCL:0051172 | Amex_171 amygdala excitatory neuron (Hsap) | Amex_171 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 329 | nan |
264 | PCL:0051173 | Amex_172 amygdala excitatory neuron (Hsap) | Amex_172 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 330 | nan |
265 | PCL:0051176 | Amex_175 amygdala excitatory neuron (Hsap) | Amex_175 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 333 | nan |
267 | PCL:0051177 | Misc_176 neuron (Hsap) | Misc_176 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 334 | nan |
268 | PCL:0051178 | Misc_177 neuron (Hsap) | Misc_177 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 335 | nan |
269 | PCL:0051179 | Misc_178 neuron (Hsap) | Misc_178 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 336 | nan |
281 | PCL:0051191 | CA4_190 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_190 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 348 | nan |
283 | PCL:0051192 | CA4_191 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_191 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 349 | nan |
285 | PCL:0051193 | CA4_192 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_192 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 350 | nan |
287 | PCL:0051194 | CA4_193 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_193 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 351 | nan |
289 | PCL:0051195 | CA4_194 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_194 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 352 | nan |
291 | PCL:0051196 | CA4_195 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_195 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 353 | nan |
293 | PCL:0051197 | CA4_196 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_196 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 354 | nan |
295 | PCL:0051198 | CA4_197 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_197 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 355 | nan |
296 | PCL:0051199 | CA4_198 hippocampal CA4 neuron (Hsap) | CA4_198 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 356 | nan |
305 | PCL:0051207 | MSN_206 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_206 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 364 | nan |
307 | PCL:0051208 | MSN_207 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_207 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 365 | nan |
308 | PCL:0051209 | MSN_208 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_208 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 366 | nan |
310 | PCL:0051210 | MSN_209 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_209 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 367 | nan |
312 | PCL:0051211 | MSN_210 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_210 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 368 | nan |
313 | PCL:0051212 | MSN_211 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_211 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 369 | nan |
315 | PCL:0051213 | MSN_212 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_212 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 370 | nan |
316 | PCL:0051214 | MSN_213 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_213 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 371 | nan |
317 | PCL:0051215 | MSN_214 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_214 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 372 | nan |
318 | PCL:0051216 | MSN_215 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_215 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 373 | nan |
319 | PCL:0051218 | MSN_217 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_217 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 375 | nan |
320 | PCL:0051219 | MSN_218 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_218 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 376 | nan |
321 | PCL:0051221 | MSN_220 direct pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_220 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 378 | nan |
322 | PCL:0051222 | MSN_221 indirect pathway medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_221 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 379 | nan |
324 | PCL:0051223 | EMSN_222 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_222 | UBERON:0002743 | basal forebrain | basal forebrain | 380 | nan |
325 | PCL:0051224 | EMSN_223 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_223 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 381 | nan |
326 | PCL:0051225 | EMSN_224 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_224 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 382 | nan |
327 | PCL:0051226 | EMSN_225 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_225 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 383 | nan |
328 | PCL:0051228 | EMSN_227 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_227 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 385 | nan |
329 | PCL:0051229 | EMSN_228 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_228 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 386 | nan |
330 | PCL:0051230 | EMSN_229 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_229 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 387 | nan |
331 | PCL:0051232 | EMSN_231 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_231 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 389 | nan |
332 | PCL:0051235 | EMSN_234 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_234 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 392 | nan |
333 | PCL:0051239 | Splat_238 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_238 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 396 | nan |
334 | PCL:0051243 | MGE_242 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_242 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 400 | nan |
335 | PCL:0051245 | MGE_244 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_244 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 402 | nan |
336 | PCL:0051246 | MGE_245 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_245 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 403 | nan |
338 | PCL:0051248 | MGE_247 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_247 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 405 | nan |
339 | PCL:0051251 | MGE_250 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_250 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 408 | nan |
340 | PCL:0051252 | MGE_251 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_251 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 409 | nan |
341 | PCL:0051256 | MGE_255 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_255 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 413 | nan |
342 | PCL:0051264 | MGE_263 medial ganglionic eminence derived interneuron (Hsap) | MGE_263 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 421 | nan |
344 | PCL:0051265 | LLC_264 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_264 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 422 | nan |
346 | PCL:0051266 | LLC_265 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_265 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 423 | nan |
348 | PCL:0051267 | LLC_266 chandelier cell (Hsap) | LLC_266 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 424 | nan |
350 | PCL:0051268 | LLC_267 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_267 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 425 | nan |
353 | PCL:0051269 | LLC_268 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_268 | UBERON:0002421 | hippocampal formation | hippocampal gyrus (formation) | 426 | nan |
355 | PCL:0051270 | LLC_269 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_269 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 427 | nan |
357 | PCL:0051271 | LLC_270 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_270 | UBERON:0000956 | cerebral cortex | cerebral cortex | 428 | nan |
359 | PCL:0051272 | LLC_271 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_271 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 429 | nan |
361 | PCL:0051273 | LLC_272 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_272 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 430 | nan |
363 | PCL:0051274 | LLC_273 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_273 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 431 | nan |
365 | PCL:0051275 | LLC_274 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_274 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 432 | nan |
367 | PCL:0051276 | LLC_275 interneuron (Hsap) | LLC_275 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 433 | nan |
368 | PCL:0051298 | URL_297 neuron (Hsap) | URL_297 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 455 | nan |
370 | PCL:0051302 | CBI_301 cerebellar inhibitory GABAergic interneuron (Hsap) | CBI_301 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 459 | nan |
371 | PCL:0051309 | URL_308 unipolar brush cell (Hsap) | URL_308 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 466 | nan |
372 | PCL:0051310 | URL_309 neuron (Hsap) | URL_309 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 467 | nan |
373 | PCL:0051311 | URL_310 cerebellar granule cell (Hsap) | URL_310 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 468 | nan |
374 | PCL:0051312 | URL_311 cerebellar granule cell (Hsap) | URL_311 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 469 | nan |
375 | PCL:0051313 | URL_312 cerebellar granule cell (Hsap) | URL_312 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 470 | nan |
376 | PCL:0051314 | Splat_313 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_313 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 471 | nan |
378 | PCL:0051316 | LRL_315 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_315 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 473 | nan |
379 | PCL:0051317 | LRL_316 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_316 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 474 | nan |
381 | PCL:0051318 | LRL_317 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_317 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 475 | nan |
383 | PCL:0051319 | LRL_318 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_318 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 476 | nan |
385 | PCL:0051320 | LRL_319 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_319 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 477 | nan |
387 | PCL:0051321 | LRL_320 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_320 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 478 | nan |
389 | PCL:0051322 | LRL_321 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_321 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 479 | nan |
390 | PCL:0051323 | LRL_322 neuron (Hsap) | LRL_322 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 480 | nan |
391 | PCL:0051335 | Splat_334 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_334 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 492 | nan |
392 | PCL:0051336 | Splat_335 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_335 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 493 | nan |
393 | PCL:0051337 | Splat_336 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_336 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 494 | nan |
394 | PCL:0051338 | Splat_337 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_337 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 495 | nan |
396 | PCL:0051339 | Splat_338 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_338 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 496 | nan |
398 | PCL:0051340 | Splat_339 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_339 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 497 | nan |
399 | PCL:0051341 | Splat_340 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_340 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 498 | nan |
401 | PCL:0051342 | Splat_341 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_341 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 499 | nan |
402 | PCL:0051343 | Splat_342 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_342 | UBERON:0002037 | cerebellum | cerebellum | 500 | nan |
404 | PCL:0051344 | Splat_343 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_343 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 501 | nan |
405 | PCL:0051345 | Splat_344 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_344 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 502 | nan |
406 | PCL:0051346 | Splat_345 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_345 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 503 | nan |
408 | PCL:0051347 | Splat_346 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_346 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 504 | nan |
410 | PCL:0051348 | Splat_347 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_347 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 505 | nan |
412 | PCL:0051349 | Splat_348 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_348 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 506 | nan |
414 | PCL:0051350 | Splat_349 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_349 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 507 | nan |
416 | PCL:0051351 | Splat_350 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_350 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 508 | nan |
417 | PCL:0051352 | Splat_351 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_351 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 509 | nan |
418 | PCL:0051353 | Splat_352 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_352 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 510 | nan |
419 | PCL:0051354 | Splat_353 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_353 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 511 | nan |
420 | PCL:0051355 | Splat_354 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_354 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 512 | nan |
421 | PCL:0051356 | Splat_355 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_355 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 513 | nan |
422 | PCL:0051357 | Splat_356 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_356 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 514 | nan |
423 | PCL:0051358 | Splat_357 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_357 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 515 | nan |
424 | PCL:0051359 | Splat_358 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_358 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 516 | nan |
425 | PCL:0051360 | Splat_359 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_359 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 517 | nan |
426 | PCL:0051361 | Splat_360 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_360 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 518 | nan |
427 | PCL:0051362 | Splat_361 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_361 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 519 | nan |
428 | PCL:0051363 | Splat_362 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_362 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 520 | nan |
429 | PCL:0051364 | Splat_363 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_363 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 521 | nan |
430 | PCL:0051365 | Splat_364 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_364 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 522 | nan |
431 | PCL:0051366 | Splat_365 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_365 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 523 | nan |
432 | PCL:0051367 | Splat_366 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_366 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 524 | nan |
433 | PCL:0051368 | Splat_367 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_367 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 525 | nan |
434 | PCL:0051369 | Splat_368 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_368 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 526 | nan |
435 | PCL:0051370 | Splat_369 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_369 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 527 | nan |
436 | PCL:0051371 | Splat_370 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_370 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 528 | nan |
437 | PCL:0051372 | Splat_371 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_371 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 529 | nan |
438 | PCL:0051374 | Splat_373 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_373 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 531 | nan |
439 | PCL:0051375 | Splat_374 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_374 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 532 | nan |
440 | PCL:0051376 | Splat_375 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_375 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 533 | nan |
441 | PCL:0051377 | Splat_376 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_376 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 534 | nan |
442 | PCL:0051378 | Splat_377 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_377 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 535 | nan |
443 | PCL:0051379 | Splat_378 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_378 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 536 | nan |
445 | PCL:0051380 | Splat_379 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_379 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 537 | nan |
446 | PCL:0051381 | Splat_380 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_380 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 538 | nan |
447 | PCL:0051382 | Splat_381 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_381 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 539 | nan |
448 | PCL:0051383 | Splat_382 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_382 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 540 | nan |
449 | PCL:0051384 | Splat_383 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_383 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 541 | nan |
450 | PCL:0051385 | Splat_384 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_384 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 542 | nan |
451 | PCL:0051386 | Splat_385 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_385 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 543 | nan |
453 | PCL:0051387 | Splat_386 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_386 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 544 | nan |
454 | PCL:0051388 | Splat_387 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_387 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 545 | nan |
456 | PCL:0051389 | Splat_388 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_388 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 546 | nan |
457 | PCL:0051390 | Splat_389 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_389 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 547 | nan |
458 | PCL:0051391 | Splat_390 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_390 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 548 | nan |
459 | PCL:0051392 | Splat_391 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_391 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 549 | nan |
460 | PCL:0051393 | Splat_392 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_392 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 550 | nan |
461 | PCL:0051394 | Splat_393 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_393 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 551 | nan |
463 | PCL:0051395 | Splat_394 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_394 | UBERON:0000988 | pons | pons | 552 | nan |
464 | PCL:0051396 | Splat_395 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_395 | UBERON:0001891 | midbrain | midbrain (mesencephalon) | 553 | nan |
465 | PCL:0051397 | Splat_396 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_396 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 554 | nan |
466 | PCL:0051398 | Splat_397 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_397 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 555 | nan |
467 | PCL:0051399 | Splat_398 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_398 | UBERON:0019263 | gray matter of hindbrain | gray matter of hindbrain | 556 | nan |
469 | PCL:0051400 | Splat_399 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_399 | UBERON:0001896 | medulla oblongata | medulla oblongata | 557 | nan |
470 | PCL:0051401 | Splat_400 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_400 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 558 | nan |
471 | PCL:0051402 | Misc_401 neuron of the forebrain (Hsap) | Misc_401 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 559 | nan |
472 | PCL:0051403 | Splat_402 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_402 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 560 | nan |
473 | PCL:0051404 | Splat_403 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_403 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 561 | nan |
474 | PCL:0051410 | Splat_409 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_409 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 567 | nan |
475 | PCL:0051411 | Splat_410 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_410 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 568 | nan |
476 | PCL:0051412 | Splat_411 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_411 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 569 | nan |
477 | PCL:0051413 | Splat_412 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_412 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 570 | nan |
478 | PCL:0051414 | Splat_413 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_413 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 571 | nan |
479 | PCL:0051415 | Splat_414 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_414 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 572 | nan |
480 | PCL:0051416 | Splat_415 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_415 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 573 | nan |
481 | PCL:0051417 | Splat_416 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_416 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 574 | nan |
482 | PCL:0051418 | Splat_417 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_417 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 575 | nan |
483 | PCL:0051419 | Splat_418 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_418 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 576 | nan |
484 | PCL:0051421 | Splat_420 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_420 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 578 | nan |
485 | PCL:0051422 | Splat_421 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_421 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 579 | nan |
486 | PCL:0051423 | Splat_422 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_422 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 580 | nan |
487 | PCL:0051424 | Splat_423 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_423 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 581 | nan |
488 | PCL:0051425 | Splat_424 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_424 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 582 | nan |
489 | PCL:0051426 | Splat_425 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_425 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 583 | nan |
490 | PCL:0051427 | EMSN_426 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | EMSN_426 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 584 | nan |
491 | PCL:0051429 | Splat_428 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_428 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 586 | nan |
492 | PCL:0051430 | Splat_429 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_429 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 587 | nan |
493 | PCL:0051431 | MSN_430 medium spiny neuron (Hsap) | MSN_430 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 588 | nan |
494 | PCL:0051432 | Splat_431 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_431 | UBERON:0001898 | hypothalamus | hypothalamus | 589 | nan |
495 | PCL:0051433 | Splat_432 neuron (Hsap) | Splat_432 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 590 | nan |
496 | PCL:0051434 | Midi_433 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_433 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 591 | nan |
497 | PCL:0051435 | Midi_434 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_434 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 592 | nan |
498 | PCL:0051436 | Midi_435 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_435 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 593 | nan |
499 | PCL:0051437 | Midi_436 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_436 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 594 | nan |
500 | PCL:0051438 | Midi_437 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_437 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 595 | nan |
501 | PCL:0051439 | Midi_438 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_438 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 596 | nan |
502 | PCL:0051440 | Midi_439 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_439 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 597 | nan |
503 | PCL:0051441 | Midi_440 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_440 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 598 | nan |
504 | PCL:0051442 | Midi_441 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_441 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 599 | nan |
505 | PCL:0051443 | Midi_442 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_442 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 600 | nan |
506 | PCL:0051444 | Midi_443 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_443 | UBERON:0019264 | gray matter of forebrain | gray matter of forebrain | 601 | nan |
507 | PCL:0051445 | Midi_444 midbrain-derived inhibitory neuron (Hsap) | Midi_444 | UBERON:0000955 | brain | brain | 602 | nan |