ASCT+B Validation Reports for Fallopian_tube (2025-02-26)
Table of contents
- Invalid terms
- Relationship reports
- New CL terms
- New UBERON terms
- Informative reports (valid relationships)
Invalid terms
These are the reports related to issues in the terms found in the ASCT+B table. We validate only CL, UBERON and PCL terms.
Terms not found
This report provides a list of terms not found neither in UBERON nor in CL. Please remove these terms from the ASCT+B table - disconsider this message if a term was recently added to the ontology.
- No issues found.
Typos or punctuation mistakes
This report provides a general quality check of the terms used in the ASCT+B table. Typos, font case (upper case), punctuation mistakes in IDs: two colons, spaces, underscore instead of a colon.
- No issues found.
Different labels
This report provides a list of terms having different names/labels found in the ontology and related to the one found in the ASCT+B table. Make sure to add the term's name/label in the column AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL. If the SME wants to give another name/label, please use the column AS/N or CT/N. N is the number in the column.
If the term's name/label and the name/label given by SME are too different, please make sure the term ID and its name/label are matching in OLS.
If the name/label in the ontology contains obsolete, please look into OLS, clicking on the term ID, for its replacement.
The term CL:4030007 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 5 rows 121, 123, 125, 127, 129. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is fallopian tube ciliated cell and the one in the ontology is fallopian tube multiciliated cell. For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is fallopian tube ciliated cell. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
The term UBERON:8410010 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 3 rows 116, 127, 128. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is fimbria of uterine tube and the one in the ontology is fimbria of fallopian tube. For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is fimbria of Fallopian tube. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.
Blank ontology ID
This report provides a list of blank spreadsheet cells that often mean no ontology mapping found by the author. However, in some cases, a term with a synonym already exists. Please search in OLS.
You can find more information on the New CL terms or New UBERON terms reports.
No term id was found for the name/label intramural segment of Fallopian tube in the following 24 rows 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 77, 78, 104, 105, 106, 107, 121, 122.
No term id was found for the name/label fluid of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 12.
No term id was found for the name/label lamina propria of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 13 rows 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25.
No term id was found for the name/label fibroblast-mesenchymal cell in the following 5 rows 14, 30, 46, 62, 85.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 26.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 27.
No term id was found for the name/label fluid of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 28.
No term id was found for the name/label lamina propria of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 13 rows 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 42.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 43.
No term id was found for the name/label fluid of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 44.
No term id was found for the name/label lamina propria Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 13 rows 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 58.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 59.
No term id was found for the name/label fluid of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 60.
No term id was found for the name/label lamina propria of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 13 rows 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 74.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 75.
No term id was found for the name/label mesothelium of mesosalpinx in the following 1 row 76.
No term id was found for the name/label wall of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 5 rows 77, 78, 105, 106, 107.
No term id was found for the name/label serosa of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 77.
No term id was found for the name/label basement membrane of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 78.
No term id was found for the name/label wall of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 5 rows 79, 80, 109, 110, 111.
No term id was found for the name/label serosa of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 79.
No term id was found for the name/label basement membrane of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 80.
No term id was found for the name/label wall of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 5 rows 81, 82, 113, 114, 115.
No term id was found for the name/label serosa of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 81.
No term id was found for the name/label basement membrane of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 82.
No term id was found for the name/label fluid of Fallopian tube fimbria in the following 1 row 83.
No term id was found for the name/label lamina propria of Fallopian tube fimbria in the following 13 rows 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of Fallopian tube fimbria in the following 1 row 97.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of Fallopian tube fimbria in the following 1 row 98.
No term id was found for the name/label wall of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 5 rows 99, 100, 118, 119, 120.
No term id was found for the name/label serosa of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 99.
No term id was found for the name/label basement membrane of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 100.
No term id was found for the name/label serous membrane lining of mesosalpinx in the following 3 rows 101, 102, 103.
No term id was found for the name/label lymphatic of mesosalpinx in the following 1 row 101.
No term id was found for the name/label nerve of mesosalpinx in the following 1 row 102.
No term id was found for the name/label vasculature of mesosalpinx in the following 1 row 103.
No term id was found for the name/label plica of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 3 rows 104, 121, 122.
No term id was found for the name/label mucosa of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 3 rows 104, 121, 122.
No term id was found for the name/label muscle layer of oviduct intramural segment in the following 3 rows 105, 106, 107.
No term id was found for the name/label Inner muscle layer of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 105.
No term id was found for the name/label Middle muscle layer of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 106.
No term id was found for the name/label Outer muscle layer of Fallopian tube intramural segment in the following 1 row 107.
No term id was found for the name/label plica of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 3 rows 108, 123, 124.
No term id was found for the name/label mucosa of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 3 rows 108, 123, 124.
No term id was found for the name/label muscle layer of oviduct isthmus in the following 3 rows 109, 110, 111.
No term id was found for the name/label Inner muscle layer of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 109.
No term id was found for the name/label Middle muscle layer of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 110.
No term id was found for the name/label Outer muscle layer of Fallopian tube isthmus in the following 1 row 111.
No term id was found for the name/label plica of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 3 rows 112, 125, 126.
No term id was found for the name/label mucosa of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 3 rows 112, 125, 126.
No term id was found for the name/label muscle layer of oviduct ampulla in the following 3 rows 113, 114, 115.
No term id was found for the name/label Inner muscle layer of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 113.
No term id was found for the name/label Middle muscle layer of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 114.
No term id was found for the name/label Outer muscle layer of Fallopian tube ampulla in the following 1 row 115.
No term id was found for the name/label mucosa of Fallopian tube fimbria in the following 3 rows 116, 127, 128.
No term id was found for the name/label plica of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 3 rows 117, 129, 130.
No term id was found for the name/label mucosa of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 3 rows 117, 129, 130.
No term id was found for the name/label muscle layer of oviduct infundibulum in the following 3 rows 118, 119, 120.
No term id was found for the name/label Inner muscle layer of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 118.
No term id was found for the name/label Middle muscle layer of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 119.
No term id was found for the name/label Outer muscle layer of Fallopian tube infundibulum in the following 1 row 120.
Blank ontology ID missing parent
This report provides a list of CT terms with blank ontology ID without an upper term from Cell Ontology. Please, create an upper level in the ASCT+B table and add an upper term for them. Please, make sure the term without ontology ID doesn't exist in the ontology.
- The term fibroblast-mesenchymal cell without ontology ID has no parent that is from the CL ontology in the following 1 row 85.
Terms from another ontology
This report provides a list of terms from another ontologies that we do not validate. Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) ontology IDs are provided when an adequate term is not found in UBERON. Same case for Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation (LMHA) and Interlex IDs (ILX) from Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC). You can request cross-database request the same way a new term request. Please be sure if a term with a related synonym is already in the source ontologies CL or UBERON or PCL.
- No issues found.
Relationship reports
These reports are other representations of the ASCT+B table. We split each row into pairs with adjacent terms, resulting in a table with two primary columns, object (o), left side and subject (s), right side. The experts' labels for the subject and object are in the columns user_slabel and user_olabel. The other columns are the subject label (s_label) and object label (o_label), the label from the source ontologies.
The report means it could not find a partonomy relationship in the source ontologies, but it doesn't mean this relationship is entirely invalid. In some cases, the pair is in the inverse order. In other cases, the relationship is missing in the source ontologies. Finally, how it was modelled in the ASCT+B table is not aligned with the ontologies sources and needs a more general discussion.
How to read a table entry
In the ASCT+B table
AS/2 | AS/2/LABEL | AS/2/ID | AS/3 | AS/3/LABEL | AS/3/ID |
lens | lens | UBERON:0000965 | ciliary zonules | suspensory ligament of lens | UBERON:0006762 |
In the Relationship Report
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel |
UBERON:0006762 | suspensory ligament of lens | ciliary zonules | UBERON:0000965 | lens | lens |
Relationship AS-AS report
This table contains terms for anatomical structures that are related to each other according to the ASCT+B table but are not related to each other in source ontologies via one of the relation types we consider valid for ASCT+B tables. Valid relationships are: part_of, e.g. corneal endothelium part_of cornea; subClassOf, e.g. left kidney subClassOf (is_a) kidney; and overlaps (has some part in), e.g. ureter overlaps kidney; connected_to, e.g. TBA. part_of and subClassOf relationships should be specific to general, e.g. left kidney (specific) to kidney (general); corneal endothelium (specific) to cornea (general). The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel | row_number | deltaIC | |
55 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 60 | nan |
56 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 61 | nan |
57 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 62 | nan |
58 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 63 | nan |
59 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 64 | nan |
60 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 65 | nan |
61 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 66 | nan |
62 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 67 | nan |
63 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 68 | nan |
64 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 69 | nan |
65 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 70 | nan |
66 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 71 | nan |
67 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 72 | nan |
68 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 73 | nan |
69 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 74 | nan |
70 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 75 | nan |
71 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 83 | nan |
72 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 83 | nan |
73 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 84 | nan |
74 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 84 | nan |
75 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 85 | nan |
76 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 85 | nan |
77 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 86 | nan |
78 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 86 | nan |
79 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 87 | nan |
80 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 87 | nan |
81 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 88 | nan |
82 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 88 | nan |
83 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 89 | nan |
84 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 89 | nan |
85 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 90 | nan |
86 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 90 | nan |
87 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 91 | nan |
88 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 91 | nan |
89 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 92 | nan |
90 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 92 | nan |
91 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 93 | nan |
92 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 93 | nan |
93 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 94 | nan |
94 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 94 | nan |
95 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 95 | nan |
96 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 95 | nan |
97 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 96 | nan |
98 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 96 | nan |
99 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 97 | nan |
100 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 97 | nan |
101 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 98 | nan |
102 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 98 | nan |
103 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 99 | nan |
104 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 100 | nan |
105 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 116 | nan |
106 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 116 | nan |
107 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 117 | nan |
108 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 118 | nan |
109 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 119 | nan |
110 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 120 | nan |
114 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 127 | nan |
115 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 127 | nan |
116 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 128 | nan |
117 | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 128 | nan |
119 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 129 | nan |
120 | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | UBERON:0003889 | fallopian tube | Fallopian tube | 130 | nan |
Relationship CT-CT report
In the case of the CT-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for sub class of, part of and overlaps in the source ontologies. The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.
- No issues found.
Relationship CT-AS report
In the case of the AS-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for connected to and has part in the source ontologies.
s | slabel | user_slabel | o | olabel | user_olabel | row_number | deltaIC | |
0 | CL:0000115 | endothelial cell | Endothelial cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 59 | 47.446 |
1 | CL:0000115 | endothelial cell | Endothelial cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 98 | 47.446 |
2 | CL:0000236 | B cell | B cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 94 | 44.3064 |
3 | CL:0000236 | B cell | B cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 55 | 44.3064 |
4 | CL:0008019 | mesenchymal cell | mesenchymal cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 46 | 44.1224 |
5 | CL:0000115 | endothelial cell | Endothelial cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 43 | 42.881 |
6 | CL:0000057 | fibroblast | Fibroblast | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 84 | 42.4091 |
7 | CL:0000057 | fibroblast | Fibroblast | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 45 | 42.4091 |
8 | CL:0000236 | B cell | B cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 39 | 39.7414 |
9 | CL:0008019 | mesenchymal cell | mesenchymal cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 30 | 39.5574 |
10 | CL:0000057 | fibroblast | Fibroblast | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 29 | 37.8441 |
11 | CL:0000451 | dendritic cell | dendritic cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 92 | 35.5816 |
12 | CL:0000451 | dendritic cell | dendritic cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 53 | 35.5816 |
13 | CL:0000235 | macrophage | macrophage | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 86 | 35.5816 |
14 | CL:0000235 | macrophage | macrophage | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 47 | 35.5816 |
15 | CL:0000624 | CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD4+ T-cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 50 | 34.1268 |
16 | CL:0000624 | CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD4+ T-cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 89 | 34.1268 |
17 | CL:0000576 | monocyte | monocyte | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 52 | 33.3001 |
18 | CL:0000576 | monocyte | monocyte | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 91 | 33.3001 |
19 | CL:0000115 | endothelial cell | Endothelial cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 75 | 32.9752 |
20 | CL:0000235 | macrophage | macrophage | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 31 | 31.0166 |
21 | CL:0000451 | dendritic cell | dendritic cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 37 | 31.0166 |
22 | CL:0000623 | natural killer cell | Natural killer cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 49 | 30.957 |
23 | CL:0000623 | natural killer cell | Natural killer cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 88 | 30.957 |
24 | CL:0000625 | CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD8+ T-cells | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 48 | 30.8362 |
25 | CL:0000625 | CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD8+ T-cells | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 87 | 30.8362 |
26 | CL:0000775 | neutrophil | neutrophil | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 96 | 30.524 |
27 | CL:0000775 | neutrophil | neutrophil | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 57 | 30.524 |
28 | CL:0000236 | B cell | B cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 71 | 29.8356 |
29 | CL:0008019 | mesenchymal cell | mesenchymal cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 62 | 29.6517 |
30 | CL:0000624 | CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD4+ T-cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 34 | 29.5618 |
31 | CL:0000576 | monocyte | monocyte | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 36 | 28.7351 |
32 | CL:0000097 | mast cell | mast cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 54 | 28.5219 |
33 | CL:0000097 | mast cell | mast cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 93 | 28.5219 |
34 | CL:0000057 | fibroblast | Fibroblast | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 61 | 27.9383 |
35 | CL:0000623 | natural killer cell | Natural killer cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 33 | 26.392 |
36 | CL:0000786 | plasma cell | plasma cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 56 | 26.2712 |
37 | CL:0000786 | plasma cell | plasma cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 95 | 26.2712 |
38 | CL:0000625 | CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD8+ T-cells | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 32 | 26.2712 |
39 | CL:0000775 | neutrophil | neutrophil | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 41 | 25.959 |
40 | CL:0000097 | mast cell | mast cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 38 | 23.9569 |
41 | CL:0000453 | Langerhans cell | Langerhans cell | UBERON:0012648 | ampulla of fallopian tube | ampulla of Fallopian tube | 51 | 22.4 |
42 | CL:0000453 | Langerhans cell | Langerhans cell | UBERON:8410010 | fimbria of fallopian tube | fimbria of Fallopian tube | 90 | 22.4 |
43 | CL:0000786 | plasma cell | plasma cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 40 | 21.7061 |
44 | CL:0000451 | dendritic cell | dendritic cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 69 | 21.1109 |
45 | CL:0000235 | macrophage | macrophage | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 63 | 21.1109 |
46 | CL:0000624 | CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD4+ T-cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 66 | 19.6561 |
47 | CL:0000576 | monocyte | monocyte | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 68 | 18.8293 |
48 | CL:0000453 | Langerhans cell | Langerhans cell | UBERON:0016632 | isthmus of fallopian tube | isthmus of Fallopian tube | 35 | 17.835 |
49 | CL:0000623 | natural killer cell | Natural killer cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 65 | 16.4863 |
50 | CL:0000625 | CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell | CD8+ T-cells | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 64 | 16.3654 |
51 | CL:0000775 | neutrophil | neutrophil | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 73 | 16.0532 |
52 | CL:0000097 | mast cell | mast cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 70 | 14.0511 |
53 | CL:0000786 | plasma cell | plasma cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 72 | 11.8004 |
54 | CL:0000453 | Langerhans cell | Langerhans cell | UBERON:0003984 | uterine tube infundibulum | infundibulum of Fallopian tube | 67 | 7.92928 |
111 | CL:4030006 | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | UBERON:0007590 | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | 122 | nan |
112 | CL:4030006 | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | UBERON:0007590 | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | 124 | nan |
113 | CL:4030006 | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | UBERON:0007590 | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | 126 | nan |
118 | CL:4030006 | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | UBERON:0007590 | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | 128 | nan |
121 | CL:4030006 | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell | UBERON:0007590 | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | cuboidal oviduct epithelium | 130 | nan |