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Suggestions to make valid relationships in the lung table v1.3 (30/05/2023)

Please, add a comment below if you want to address any of the actions to be taken. Please, indicate the number before the comment. IMPORTANT The order of the two classes in these pages is the same as it is found in the tables (e.g. AS4 → AS5)


1 - Secondary Pulmonary Lobule → terminal bronchiole

secondary pulmonary lobule should be 'part of' some 'terminal bronchiole' PMID:3259815 Status: #2953

2 - subsegmental bronchus → cartilage of bronchus

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

3 - pulmonary alveolar duct → alveolus of lung

This relationship is difficult to validate, because single alveolus can be found as scattered outpockets of the respiratory bronchiole. I would recommend to have the alveolus of lung in the next column of pulmonary acinus. See issue 286

New hierarchy proposed (03/06/2023): Secondary pulmonary lobule → terminal bronchiole → with cells and ECM that compose that structure

Secondary pulmonary lobule →terminal bronchiole → pulmonary acinus → respiratory bronchiole → with the cells and ECM that compose the respiratory bronchiole

Secondary pulmonary lobule →terminal bronchiole → pulmonary acinus → respiratory bronchiole → alveolus of respiratory bronchiole (new term - or leave as alveolus of lung but this will come up again as part for the pulmonary acinus) → with the cells and ECM that compose that simple alveolar structure

Secondary pulmonary lobule →terminal bronchiole → pulmonary acinus → alveolar duct (that are vital to but not part for respiratory bronchioles) → with the cells and ECM that compose the alveolar ducts

Secondary pulmonary lobule →terminal bronchiole → pulmonary acinus → alveolus of lung →pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → with the cells and ECM that compose the parenchyma

4 - subsegmental bronchus → lobar bronchus mesenchyme

It needs a new term (either general bronchus mesenchyme and add 'has part' axiom, or subsegmental bronchus mesenchyme). Status: temporally it has been added 'has part' some 'lung mesenchyme' PR 204. However, GP requested NTR “mesenchyme of subsegmental bronchus”.

5 - subsegmental bronchus → bronchus smooth muscle

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

6 - lung → immune system

No actions for now.

7 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → bronchus submucosal gland

The bronchus submucosal gland are not part of an epithelium. I can add a 'has part' some 'bronchus sumucosal gland' to segmental bronchus, and this term replaces epithelium of segmental bronchus. Status: Has part completed, class needs to be changed PR 204

8 - pulmonary alveolar duct → pulmonary alveolar parenchyma

pulmonary alveolar parenchyma is parenchyma and (part of some alveolus of lung). Therefore, mapping to alveolus of lung instead of pulmonary alveolar duct will validate. Status: completed

9 - Tracheobronchial tree → pulmonary nerve plexus

It should have an overlaps relation.

10 - lobar bronchus → bronchus submucosal gland

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

11 - lobar bronchus → bronchus connective tissue

There is a lobar bronchus connective tissue UBERON:0003591. Status: completed

12 - lobar bronchus → bronchus smooth muscle

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

13 - lobar bronchus → cartilage of bronchus

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

14 - Segmental Bronchus → bronchus smooth muscle

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

15 - Segmental Bronchus → cartilage of bronchus

I can add for both structures a 'has part' some 'cartilage of bronchus' axiom (UBERON:0001956) (also for subsegmental bronchus). Status: Completed PR 204

16 - Segmental Bronchus → lobar bronchus mesenchyme

This can't validate, as the lobar bronchus masenchyme should map to lobar bronchus only. This problem will also occur for subsegmental bronchus once Ubergraph gets the new release. I can add for both structures a 'has part' some 'lung mesenchyme' axiom (UBERON:0004883) and that terms substitutes lobar bronchus mesenchyme. Second part Status: Completed PR 204

17 - subsegmental bronchus → epithelium of segmental bronchus

The correct term would be epithelium of bronchus (UBERON:0002031). It needs a has part axiom. However, in this case a new term might be beneficial.

18 - subsegmental bronchus → primary bronchiole

Primary bronchiole needs to be edited. This is tricky, because according of some literature, there is a ssub-subsegmental bronchus, and therefore any axiom would be not true.

19 - respiratory bronchiole → pulmonary alveolar duct

There should be a connected to relationship.

20 - pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → pulmonary capillary

Not sure of the expected relationship expected.

21 - pulmonary lymphatic vessel → respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium

It needs a 'has part' relationship. Status: Completed PR 204

22 - immune system → Pulmonary Acinus

We are still working for a solution for the immune system, but pulmonary acinus (and all child terms) are not part of the immune system. I would recommend to delete it or 'immune system' as last AS column.


No issues


1 - terminal bronchiole epithelium → club cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

2 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → club cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

3 - epithelium of respiratory bronchiole → club cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

4 - epithelium of bronchiole → club cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

5 - pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → type I pneumocyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

6 - pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → type II pneumocyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

7 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → brush cell of bronchus

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

8 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

9 - epithelium of lobar bronchus → basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

10 - epithelium of lobar bronchus → ciliated cell of the bronchus

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

11 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → ciliated cell of the bronchus

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

12 - bronchus smooth muscle → bronchial smooth muscle cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

13 - respiratory system venous endothelium → adult endothelial progenitor cell

The textual definition of an adult endothelial progenitor cell is the following:

An adult angioblastic cell released from the bone marrow, or from the kidney in some teleost species, capable of blood circulation and participation in angiogenesis by differentiating into blood vessel endothelial cells.

Is this cell type meant to be resident or circulating? In case it is a resident type, it would need a new term. In case it is circulating, we will need a similar soultion as immune cells.

14 - respiratory system lymphatic vessel endothelium → endothelial cell of respiratory system lymphatic vessel

It is missing a part of relationship.

15- pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → lung pericyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

16 - pulmonary nerve plexus → sympathetic neuron

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

17 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → pulmonary ionocyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

18 - epithelium of lobar bronchus → pulmonary ionocyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

19 - cartilage of bronchus → tracheobronchial chondrocyte

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

20 - lobar bronchus mesenchyme → tracheobronchial smooth muscle cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

21 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → lung goblet cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

22 - epithelium of segmental bronchus → lung neuroendocrine cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship. This is a very general term, are there lung neuroendocrine cell subtypes needed?

23 - epithelium of bronchiole → lung ciliated cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

24 - terminal bronchiole epithelium → lung ciliated cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

25 - pulmonary capillary → alveolar capillary type 1 endothelial cell

According to this reference it is probably missing a part of relationship.

26 - pulmonary capillary → alveolar capillary type 2 endothelial cell

According to this reference it is probably missing a part of relationship.

27 - pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → alveolar type 1 fibroblast cell

It is missing a part of relationship.

28 - pulmonary alveolar parenchyma → alveolar type 2 fibroblast cell

It is missing a part of relationship. Include synonym 'resident interstitial lung fibroblasts'.

29 - respiratory system venous endothelium → vein endothelial cell of respiratory system

It is missing a part of relationship.

30 - smooth muscle tissue of terminal bronchiole → bronchiolar smooth muscle cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

31 - smooth muscle tissue of bronchiole → bronchiolar smooth muscle cell

It is missing a part of relationship.

32 - smooth muscle tissue of respiratory bronchiole → bronchiolar smooth muscle cell

It needs a 'has part' relationship.

33 - immune system → lung megakaryocyte

Megakaryocytes are not considered to be part of the immune system. It can directly map to lung.
