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ASCT+B Validation Reports for Muscular_System (2025-02-26)

Table of contents

Invalid terms

These are the reports related to issues in the terms found in the ASCT+B table. We validate only CL, UBERON and PCL terms.

Terms not found

This report provides a list of terms not found neither in UBERON nor in CL. Please remove these terms from the ASCT+B table - disconsider this message if a term was recently added to the ontology.

  • No issues found.

Typos or punctuation mistakes

This report provides a general quality check of the terms used in the ASCT+B table. Typos, font case (upper case), punctuation mistakes in IDs: two colons, spaces, underscore instead of a colon.

  • No issues found.

Different labels

This report provides a list of terms having different names/labels found in the ontology and related to the one found in the ASCT+B table. Make sure to add the term's name/label in the column AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL. If the SME wants to give another name/label, please use the column AS/N or CT/N. N is the number in the column.

If the term's name/label and the name/label given by SME are too different, please make sure the term ID and its name/label are matching in OLS.

If the name/label in the ontology contains obsolete, please look into OLS, clicking on the term ID, for its replacement.

  • No issues found.

Blank ontology ID

This report provides a list of blank spreadsheet cells that often mean no ontology mapping found by the author. However, in some cases, a term with a synonym already exists. Please search in OLS.

You can find more information on the New CL terms or New UBERON terms reports.

  1. No term id was found for the name/label internal abdominal oblique muscle in the following 1 row 16.

  2. No term id was found for the name/label pelvic floor muscle in the following 9 rows 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.

  3. No term id was found for the name/label puboanalis muscle in the following 1 row 23.

  4. No term id was found for the name/label puboperineales muscle in the following 1 row 25.

  5. No term id was found for the name/label external anal sphincter muscle in the following 4 rows 33, 34, 35, 36.

  6. No term id was found for the name/label sphincter urethrae muscle in the following 1 row 38.

  7. No term id was found for the name/label posterior abdominal wall muscle in the following 10 rows 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 304, 305, 306.

  8. No term id was found for the name/label respiratory diaphragm muscle in the following 5 rows 43, 44, 45, 46, 47.

  9. No term id was found for the name/label costal part of respiratory diaphragm muscle in the following 1 row 44.

  10. No term id was found for the name/label left crus of lumbar part of respiratory diaphragm muscle in the following 1 row 45.

  11. No term id was found for the name/label right crus of lumbar part of respiratory diaphragm muscle in the following 1 row 46.

  12. No term id was found for the name/label sternal part of respiratory diaphragm muscle in the following 1 row 47.

  13. No term id was found for the name/label spermatic cord muscle in the following 2 rows 48, 49.

  14. No term id was found for the name/label palmar interosseous muscle in the following 1 row 76.

  15. No term id was found for the name/label flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle in the following 2 rows 78, 330.

  16. No term id was found for the name/label opponens digiti minimi muscle in the following 1 row 79.

  17. No term id was found for the name/label hypothenar hand muscle in the following 2 rows 81, 82.

  18. No term id was found for the name/label iliocostalis cervicalis muscle in the following 1 row 124.

  19. No term id was found for the name/label intermediate back muscle in the following 3 rows 133, 134, 135.

  20. No term id was found for the name/label segmental back muscle in the following 12 rows 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147.

  21. No term id was found for the name/label anterior cervical intertransversarii muscle in the following 1 row 137.

  22. No term id was found for the name/label interspinales cervicalis muscle in the following 1 row 138.

  23. No term id was found for the name/label intertransversarii laterales lumborum muscle in the following 3 rows 141, 142, 143.

  24. No term id was found for the name/label dorsal part of intertransversarii laterales lumborum muscle in the following 1 row 142.

  25. No term id was found for the name/label ventral part of intertransversarii laterales lumborum muscle in the following 1 row 143.

  26. No term id was found for the name/label lateral posterior cervical intertransversarii muscle in the following 1 row 144.

  27. No term id was found for the name/label medial lumbar intertransversarii muscle in the following 1 row 145.

  28. No term id was found for the name/label medial posterior cervical intertransversarii muscle in the following 1 row 146.

  29. No term id was found for the name/label thoracic intertransversarii muscle in the following 1 row 147.

  30. No term id was found for the name/label spinotransversales muscle in the following 3 rows 148, 149, 150.

  31. No term id was found for the name/label splenius capitus muscle in the following 1 row 149.

  32. No term id was found for the name/label superficial back muscle in the following 9 rows 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159.

  33. No term id was found for the name/label multifidus cervicis muscle in the following 1 row 161.

  34. No term id was found for the name/label multifidus lumborum muscle in the following 1 row 162.

  35. No term id was found for the name/label multifidus thoracis muscle in the following 1 row 163.

  36. No term id was found for the name/label clavicular head of pectoralis major muscle in the following 1 row 173.

  37. No term id was found for the name/label sternocostal head of pectoralis major muscle in the following 1 row 174.

  38. No term id was found for the name/label thoracic wall muscle in the following 9 rows 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187.

  39. No term id was found for the name/label levator costarum muscle in the following 3 rows 183, 184, 185.

  40. No term id was found for the name/label levatores costarum breves of levator costarum muscle in the following 1 row 184.

  41. No term id was found for the name/label levatores costarum longi of levator costarum muscle in the following 1 row 185.

  42. No term id was found for the name/label external ear muscle in the following 5 rows 189, 190, 191, 192, 193.

  43. No term id was found for the name/label ceratoglossus of hyoglossus muscle in the following 1 row 206.

  44. No term id was found for the name/label chondroglossus of hyoglossus muscle in the following 1 row 207.

  45. No term id was found for the name/label intrinsic eye muscle in the following 4 rows 209, 210, 211, 212.

  46. No term id was found for the name/label inferior longitudinal lingual muscle in the following 1 row 214.

  47. No term id was found for the name/label superior longitudinal lingual muscle in the following 1 row 215.

  48. No term id was found for the name/label transverse muscle in the following 1 row 216.

  49. No term id was found for the name/label vertical muscle in the following 1 row 217.

  50. No term id was found for the name/label inferior head of lateral pterygoid muscle in the following 1 row 220.

  51. No term id was found for the name/label superior head of lateral pterygoid muscle in the following 1 row 221.

  52. No term id was found for the name/label middle ear muscle in the following 3 rows 227, 228, 229.

  53. No term id was found for the name/label muscle of facial expression in the following 31 rows 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 382, 383.

  54. No term id was found for the name/label frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muscle in the following 1 row 246.

  55. No term id was found for the name/label occipital belly of occipitofrontalis muscle in the following 1 row 247.

  56. No term id was found for the name/label musculus uvulae muscle in the following 1 row 261.

  57. No term id was found for the name/label tibalis anterior muscle in the following 1 row 269.

  58. No term id was found for the name/label articularis genu muscle in the following 1 row 271.

  59. No term id was found for the name/label dorsum of foot muscle in the following 3 rows 280, 281, 282.

  60. No term id was found for the name/label tensor fascia latae muscle in the following 1 row 292.

  61. No term id was found for the name/label lateral compartmet of leg muscle in the following 3 rows 293, 294, 295.

  62. No term id was found for the name/label hamstring portion of adductor magnus muscle in the following 1 row 300.

  63. No term id was found for the name/label tibalis posterior muscle in the following 1 row 316.

  64. No term id was found for the name/label sole of foot muscle in the following 13 rows 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335.

  65. No term id was found for the name/label plantar interosseous muscle in the following 1 row 334.

  66. No term id was found for the name/label anterior vertebral muscle in the following 4 rows 337, 338, 339, 340.

  67. No term id was found for the name/label longus capitus muscle in the following 1 row 338.

  68. No term id was found for the name/label rectus capitus anterior muscle in the following 1 row 340.

  69. No term id was found for the name/label circular pharyngeal muscle in the following 12 rows 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352.

  70. No term id was found for the name/label thyropharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle in the following 1 row 344.

  71. No term id was found for the name/label pteryopharyngeal part of superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle in the following 1 row 352.

  72. No term id was found for the name/label aryepiglottic part of oblique arytenoid muscle in the following 1 row 366.

  73. No term id was found for the name/label thyroepiglottic part of thyroarytenoid muscle in the following 1 row 369.

  74. No term id was found for the name/label lateral vertebral muscle in the following 4 rows 372, 373, 374, 375.

  75. No term id was found for the name/label longitudinal pharyngeal muscle in the following 6 rows 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381.

  76. No term id was found for the name/label rectus capitius posterior minor muscle in the following 1 row 392.

Blank ontology ID missing parent

This report provides a list of CT terms with blank ontology ID without an upper term from Cell Ontology. Please, create an upper level in the ASCT+B table and add an upper term for them. Please, make sure the term without ontology ID doesn't exist in the ontology.

  • No issues found.

Terms from another ontology

This report provides a list of terms from another ontologies that we do not validate. Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) ontology IDs are provided when an adequate term is not found in UBERON. Same case for Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation (LMHA) and Interlex IDs (ILX) from Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC). You can request cross-database request the same way a new term request. Please be sure if a term with a related synonym is already in the source ontologies CL or UBERON or PCL.

  1. The term FMA:77253 in the following 1 row 26 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  2. The term FMA:30438 in the following 1 row 31 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  3. The term FMA:19732 in the following 1 row 32 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  4. The term FMA:27292 in the following 1 row 34 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  5. The term FMA:27286 in the following 1 row 35 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  6. The term FMA:27287 in the following 1 row 36 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  7. The term FMA:30439 in the following 1 row 39 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  8. The term FMA:19731 in the following 1 row 40 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  9. The term FMA:15569 in the following 1 row 42 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  10. The term FMA:37711 in the following 7 rows 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  11. The term FMA:37701 in the following 1 row 52 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  12. The term FMA:37670 in the following 3 rows 53, 54, 55 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  13. The term FMA:37683 in the following 1 row 54 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  14. The term FMA:37682 in the following 1 row 55 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  15. The term FMA:38456 in the following 15 rows 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  16. The term FMA:38615 in the following 1 row 61 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  17. The term FMA:38616 in the following 1 row 62 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  18. The term FMA:38636 in the following 1 row 65 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  19. The term FMA:38637 in the following 1 row 66 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  20. The term FMA:38453 in the following 1 row 69 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  21. The term FMA:38450 in the following 3 rows 70, 71, 72 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  22. The term FMA:38558 in the following 1 row 71 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  23. The term FMA:38559 in the following 1 row 72 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  24. The term FMA:37418 in the following 1 row 74 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  25. The term FMA:37385 in the following 1 row 75 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  26. The term FMA:321806 in the following 4 rows 77, 78, 79, 80 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  27. The term FMA:37382 in the following 2 rows 82, 324 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  28. The term FMA:37712 in the following 6 rows 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  29. The term FMA:37694 in the following 1 row 86 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  30. The term FMA:37692 in the following 1 row 87 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  31. The term FMA:37693 in the following 1 row 88 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  32. The term FMA:38488 in the following 14 rows 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  33. The term FMA:38515 in the following 1 row 90 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  34. The term FMA:77260 in the following 1 row 95 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  35. The term FMA:77261 in the following 1 row 96 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  36. The term FMA:38500 in the following 1 row 98 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  37. The term FMA:38524 in the following 1 row 99 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  38. The term FMA:34678 in the following 1 row 105 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  39. The term FMA:34677 in the following 1 row 106 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  40. The term FMA:34679 in the following 1 row 107 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  41. The term FMA:321805 in the following 9 rows 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  42. The term FMA:46119 in the following 1 row 116 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  43. The term FMA:46120 in the following 1 row 117 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  44. The term FMA:46107 in the following 1 row 119 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  45. The term FMA:46104 in the following 1 row 120 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  46. The term FMA:37379 in the following 1 row 121 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  47. The term FMA:71302 in the following 10 rows 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  48. The term FMA:22702 in the following 1 row 125 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  49. The term FMA:22714 in the following 1 row 127 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  50. The term FMA:13402 in the following 1 row 134 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  51. The term FMA:13401 in the following 1 row 135 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  52. The term FMA:71307 in the following 1 row 139 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  53. The term FMA:71308 in the following 1 row 140 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  54. The term FMA:22681 in the following 1 row 150 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  55. The term FMA:13379 in the following 1 row 154 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  56. The term FMA:13380 in the following 1 row 155 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  57. The term FMA:32555 in the following 1 row 157 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  58. The term FMA:32557 in the following 1 row 158 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  59. The term FMA:32556 in the following 1 row 159 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  60. The term FMA:23082 in the following 1 row 164 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  61. The term FMA:23083 in the following 1 row 165 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  62. The term FMA:22830 in the following 1 row 166 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  63. The term FMA:22829 in the following 1 row 167 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  64. The term FMA:22828 in the following 1 row 168 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  65. The term FMA:34699 in the following 1 row 172 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  66. The term FMA:13410 in the following 1 row 178 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  67. The term FMA:9760 in the following 1 row 187 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  68. The term FMA:46856 in the following 1 row 190 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  69. The term FMA:48962 in the following 1 row 191 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  70. The term FMA:46855 in the following 1 row 192 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  71. The term FMA:46753 in the following 1 row 193 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  72. The term FMA:49041 in the following 1 row 198 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  73. The term FMA:46692 in the following 1 row 208 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  74. The term FMA:49157 in the following 1 row 212 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  75. The term FMA:46794 in the following 1 row 232 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  76. The term FMA:46816 in the following 1 row 234 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  77. The term FMA:46777 in the following 1 row 235 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  78. The term FMA:46798 in the following 1 row 236 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  79. The term FMA:46802 in the following 1 row 238 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  80. The term FMA:46805 in the following 1 row 239 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  81. The term FMA:322110 in the following 1 row 241 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  82. The term FMA:46773 in the following 1 row 243 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  83. The term FMA:46772 in the following 1 row 244 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  84. The term FMA:46781 in the following 1 row 249 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  85. The term FMA:46784 in the following 1 row 250 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  86. The term FMA:323230 in the following 1 row 252 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  87. The term FMA:276073 in the following 1 row 253 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  88. The term FMA:46769 in the following 1 row 254 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  89. The term FMA:46727 in the following 1 row 260 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  90. The term FMA:22472 in the following 5 rows 265, 266, 267, 268, 269 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  91. The term FMA:22533 in the following 1 row 267 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  92. The term FMA:22538 in the following 1 row 268 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  93. The term FMA:22424 in the following 10 rows 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  94. The term FMA:22430 in the following 3 rows 273, 274, 275 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  95. The term FMA:22436 in the following 1 row 274 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  96. The term FMA:22435 in the following 1 row 275 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  97. The term FMA:22433 in the following 1 row 277 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  98. The term FMA:51141 in the following 1 row 282 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  99. The term FMA:22315 in the following 1 row 285 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  100. The term FMA:22298 in the following 1 row 288 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  101. The term FMA:22321 in the following 1 row 290 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  102. The term FMA:22540 in the following 1 row 294 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  103. The term FMA:22539 in the following 1 row 295 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  104. The term FMA:22439 in the following 8 rows 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  105. The term FMA:22299 in the following 1 row 302 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  106. The term FMA:22474 in the following 10 rows 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  107. The term FMA:51071 in the following 1 row 308 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  108. The term FMA:22543 in the following 1 row 313 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  109. The term FMA:22427 in the following 6 rows 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  110. The term FMA:45887 in the following 1 row 319 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  111. The term FMA:45890 in the following 1 row 320 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  112. The term FMA:46014 in the following 1 row 327 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  113. The term FMA:46015 in the following 1 row 328 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  114. The term FMA:37457 in the following 1 row 329 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  115. The term FMA:37453 in the following 1 row 333 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  116. The term FMA:37452 in the following 1 row 335 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  117. The term FMA:46623 in the following 3 rows 342, 343, 344 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  118. The term FMA:46622 in the following 3 rows 345, 346, 347 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  119. The term FMA:46654 in the following 1 row 346 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  120. The term FMA:46651 in the following 1 row 347 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  121. The term FMA:46621 in the following 5 rows 348, 349, 350, 351, 352 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  122. The term FMA:46641 in the following 1 row 349 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  123. The term FMA:46647 in the following 1 row 350 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  124. The term FMA:46644 in the following 1 row 351 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  125. The term FMA:46341 in the following 1 row 355 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  126. The term FMA:46340 in the following 1 row 356 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  127. The term FMA:46610 in the following 1 row 362 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  128. The term FMA:46609 in the following 1 row 363 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  129. The term FMA:46583 in the following 2 rows 365, 366 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  130. The term FMA:46588 in the following 2 rows 368, 369 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  131. The term FMA:46582 in the following 1 row 370 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  132. The term FMA:13385 in the following 1 row 373 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  133. The term FMA:13387 in the following 1 row 375 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  134. The term FMA:46683 in the following 1 row 378 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  135. The term FMA:46684 in the following 1 row 379 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  136. The term FMA:45776 in the following 1 row 386 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  137. The term FMA:13460 in the following 1 row 387 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  138. The term FMA:71439 in the following 5 rows 388, 389, 390, 391, 392 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  139. The term FMA:32528 in the following 1 row 389 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  140. The term FMA:32527 in the following 1 row 390 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

  141. The term FMA:46291 in the following 3 rows 394, 395, 396 is from another ontology that is not validated in this process.

Relationship reports

These reports are other representations of the ASCT+B table. We split each row into pairs with adjacent terms, resulting in a table with two primary columns, object (o), left side and subject (s), right side. The experts' labels for the subject and object are in the columns user_slabel and user_olabel. The other columns are the subject label (s_label) and object label (o_label), the label from the source ontologies.

The report means it could not find a partonomy relationship in the source ontologies, but it doesn't mean this relationship is entirely invalid. In some cases, the pair is in the inverse order. In other cases, the relationship is missing in the source ontologies. Finally, how it was modelled in the ASCT+B table is not aligned with the ontologies sources and needs a more general discussion.

How to read a table entry

In the ASCT+B table

lens lens UBERON:0000965 ciliary zonules suspensory ligament of lens UBERON:0006762

In the Relationship Report

s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
UBERON:0006762 suspensory ligament of lens ciliary zonules UBERON:0000965 lens lens

Relationship AS-AS report

This table contains terms for anatomical structures that are related to each other according to the ASCT+B table but are not related to each other in source ontologies via one of the relation types we consider valid for ASCT+B tables. Valid relationships are: part_of, e.g. corneal endothelium part_of cornea; subClassOf, e.g. left kidney subClassOf (is_a) kidney; and overlaps (has some part in), e.g. ureter overlaps kidney; connected_to, e.g. TBA. part_of and subClassOf relationships should be specific to general, e.g. left kidney (specific) to kidney (general); corneal endothelium (specific) to cornea (general). The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.

row_number s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel deltaIC
33 170 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
34 171 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
35 172 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
36 173 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
37 175 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
38 174 UBERON:0001495 pectoral muscle pectoral muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 18.6593
39 177 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 15.6918
40 176 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 15.6918
41 178 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0002426 chest muscle chest muscle 15.6918
42 108 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
43 109 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
44 106 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
45 105 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
46 104 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
47 103 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
48 110 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
49 111 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
50 112 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
51 107 UBERON:0001482 muscle of shoulder shoulder muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle 1.86097
52 29 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
53 30 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
54 31 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
55 32 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
56 33 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
57 34 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
58 35 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
59 36 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
60 37 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
61 38 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
62 39 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
63 40 UBERON:0002379 perineal muscle perineal muscle UBERON:0002378 muscle of abdomen abdomen muscle nan
64 73 UBERON:0001500 muscle of manus hand muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle nan
65 74 UBERON:0001500 muscle of manus hand muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle nan
66 75 UBERON:0001500 muscle of manus hand muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle nan
67 76 UBERON:0001500 muscle of manus hand muscle UBERON:0001499 muscle of arm arm muscle nan
68 160 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
69 161 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
70 162 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
71 163 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
72 164 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
73 165 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
74 166 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
75 167 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
76 168 UBERON:0010990 transversospinales muscle transversospinales muscle UBERON:0002324 muscle of back back muscle nan
77 194 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
78 195 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
79 196 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
80 197 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
81 198 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
82 199 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
83 200 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
84 201 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
85 202 UBERON:0001601 extra-ocular muscle extra-ocular muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
86 203 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
87 204 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
88 205 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
89 206 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
90 207 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
91 208 UBERON:0001575 extrinsic muscle of tongue extrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
92 213 UBERON:0001576 intrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
93 214 UBERON:0001576 intrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
94 215 UBERON:0001576 intrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
95 216 UBERON:0001576 intrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
96 217 UBERON:0001576 intrinsic muscle of tongue intrinsic tongue muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
97 259 UBERON:0003682 palatal muscle palatal muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
98 260 UBERON:0003682 palatal muscle palatal muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
99 261 UBERON:0003682 palatal muscle palatal muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
100 262 UBERON:0003682 palatal muscle palatal muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
101 263 UBERON:0003682 palatal muscle palatal muscle UBERON:0002376 cranial muscle cranial muscle nan
102 283 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
103 284 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
104 285 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
105 286 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
106 287 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
107 287 UBERON:0019202 inferior gemellus muscle inferior gemellus muscle UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle nan
108 288 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
109 289 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
110 290 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
111 291 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
112 291 UBERON:0019203 superior gemellus muscle superior gemellus muscle UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle nan
113 292 UBERON:0002000 gluteal muscle gluteal muscle UBERON:0001383 muscle of leg leg muscle nan
114 353 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
115 354 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
116 355 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
117 356 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
118 357 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
119 358 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
120 359 UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
121 384 UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
122 385 UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
123 386 UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
124 387 UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
125 393 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
126 394 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
127 395 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
128 396 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
129 397 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
130 398 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan
131 399 UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle UBERON:0002377 muscle of neck neck muscle nan

Relationship CT-CT report

In the case of the CT-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for sub class of, part of and overlaps in the source ontologies. The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.

  • No issues found.

Relationship CT-AS report

In the case of the AS-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for connected to and has part in the source ontologies.

row_number s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel deltaIC
0 223 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010995 deep part of masseter muscle deep part of masseter muscle 44.33
1 355 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001108 omohyoid muscle omohyoid muscle 44.33
2 202 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010379 superior tarsal muscle superior tarsal muscle 44.33
3 276 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001373 sartorius muscle sartorius muscle 44.33
4 311 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0011908 gastrocnemius lateralis lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle 44.33
5 312 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0011907 gastrocnemius medialis medial head of gastrocnemius muscle 44.33
6 343 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010928 cricopharyngeus muscle cricopharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 44.33
7 180 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0005441 external intercostal muscle external intercostal muscle 44.33
8 354 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001108 omohyoid muscle omohyoid muscle 44.33
9 356 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001108 omohyoid muscle omohyoid muscle 44.33
10 357 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001107 sternohyoid muscle sternohyoid muscle 44.33
11 358 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001109 sternothyroid muscle sternothyroid muscle 44.33
12 359 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001110 thyrohyoid muscle thyrohyoid muscle 44.33
13 380 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010937 salpingopharyngeus muscle salpingopharyngeus muscle 44.33
14 181 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008617 innermost intercostal muscle innermost intercostal muscle 44.33
15 224 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0011140 superficial part of masseter muscle superficial part of masseter muscle 39.765
16 381 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008804 stylopharyngeus muscle stylopharyngeus muscle 39.765
17 182 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0002403 internal intercostal muscle internal intercostal muscle 39.765
18 399 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008712 stylohyoid muscle stylohyoid muscle 39.765
19 49 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008488 cremaster muscle cremaster muscle 37.0946
20 397 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001565 geniohyoid muscle geniohyoid muscle 37.0946
21 211 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001608 dilatator pupillae dilator pupillae muscle 37.0946
22 398 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001564 mylohyoid muscle mylohyoid muscle 32.5296
23 248 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001578 orbicularis oculi muscle orbicularis oculi muscle 31.5144
24 249 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001578 orbicularis oculi muscle orbicularis oculi muscle 31.5144
25 250 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001578 orbicularis oculi muscle orbicularis oculi muscle 31.5144
26 210 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0001605 ciliary muscle ciliary muscle 30.6349
27 353 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008523 infrahyoid muscle infrahyoid muscle 30.6349
28 245 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010946 occipitofrontalis muscle occipitofrontalis muscle 28.5376
29 246 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010946 occipitofrontalis muscle occipitofrontalis muscle 28.5376
30 247 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0010946 occipitofrontalis muscle occipitofrontalis muscle 28.5376
31 394 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle 22.8724
32 393 CL:0000188 cell of skeletal muscle skeletal muscle cell UBERON:0008571 suprahyoid muscle suprahyoid muscle 22.8724

New CL terms


New UBERON terms


Informative reports (valid relationships)

Indirect relationship


Relationship AS has part CT
