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Suggestions to make valid relationships in the skin table v1.4 (20/03/2024)

Please, add a comment below if you want to address any of the actions to be taken. Please, indicate the number before the comment. IMPORTANT The order of the two classes in these pages is the same as it is found in the tables (e.g. AS4 → AS5)


1 - hypodermis → vasculature of integument

vasculature of integument is too general. A new term is needed.

2 - skin epidermis → stratum corneum of epidermis

This has been solved with the last release in PR #3231

3 - dermis → sebaceous gland

This looks correct, but both in Uberon and FMA is part of the epidermis. It will need to be edited.

4 - dermis → eccrine sweat gland

This looks correct, but both in Uberon and FMA is part of the epidermis. It will need to be edited.

5 - dermis → apocrine gland

This looks correct, but both in Uberon and FMA is part of the epidermis. It will need to be edited.

6 - dermis → vasculature of integument

vasculature of integument is too general. A new term is needed.

7 - skin of body → hypodermis

I have found conflicting information. There are sources that support this relationship. However, there are others that consider the hypodermis ("under the skin" in greek) as part of the integument, but not part of the skin. Uberon follows the second view. However, I might be able to add a relationship that can validate.

8 - hypodermis → skin nerve field

The author's lable 'nerve' and the Uberon term 'skin nerve field' are not equivalent. The 'skin nerve field' is innerveted by nerves.


No issues


1 - skin nerve field → Neuron

Neuron is too broad. Is the relationship expected innervates? There has been some discussion recently about using relationships that are not 'part of' and they are discouraged.

2 - vasculature of integument → endothelial cell

'endothelial cell' is too broad. A compound term would be the best solution, otherwise a new term is required.

3 - hypodermis → B cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

4 - stratum granulosum of epidermis → keratinocyte

The specific keratinocyte for the stratum granulosum in CL is granular cell of epidermis (CL:0002189), it can be used instead of keratinocyte.

5 - hypodermis → macrophage

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

6 - hypodermis → neutrophil

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

7 - hypodermis → mast cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

8 - stratum granulosum of epidermis → epidermal Langerhans cell

A 'has part' axiom can be added. Need to confirm that they are present across species in the stratum granulosum.

9 - stratum spinosum of epidermis → epidermal Langerhans cell

A 'has part' axiom can be added.

10 - stratum spinosum of epidermis → Merkel cell

Merkel cells are only found in the stratum basale.

11 - stratum basale of epidermis → epidermal Langerhans cell

A 'has part' axiom can be added. Need to confirm that they are present across species in the stratum basale.

12 - stratum basale of epidermis → melanocyte of skin

That is correct, it should be edited (overlaps Cichorek et al., 2013) or add 'has part'.

alt text

13 - hair follicle → keratinocyte stem cell

This relationship is reflected in the 'keratinocyte stem cell' textual definition, but it is missing the axiom.

14 - eccrine sweat gland → myoepithelial cell of sweat gland

A more specific new term can be created.

15 - apocrine gland → myoepithelial cell of sweat gland

A more specific new term can be created.

16 - dermis → myoepithelial cell of sweat gland

A more specific new term can be created.

17 - dermis → mast cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

18 - dermis → macrophage

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

19 - dermis → T-helper 1 cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

20 - dermis → cytotoxic T cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

21 - dermis → regulatory T cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

22 - dermis → natural killer cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

23 - dermis → group 1 innate lymphoid cell

A compound term would be a good solution, otherwise a new cell term will be the best solution.

24 - dermis → group 2 innate lymphoid cell

A compound term would be a good solution, otherwise a new cell term will be the best solution.

25 - dermis → group 3 innate lymphoid cell

A compound term would be a good solution, otherwise a new cell term will be the best solution.

26 - dermis → B cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

27 - dermis → plasma cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

28 - dermis → neutrophil

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

29 - dermis → eosinophil

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

30 - dermis → Schwann cell

This is a very broad term, not specific for skin. A compound term would be a good solution, or add a 'has part' axiom.

31 - dermis → perineurial cell

This might be resolved either with compound terms or with 'has part' axioms.

32 - dermis → vascular associated smooth muscle cell

A compound term would be a good solution, otherwise a new cell term will be the best solution.

33 - dermis → type I cell of carotid body

Is glomus body (aka glomus coccygeum) the structure that the SME was thinking of? All the markers and literature are for glomus cell, but it isn't located in the skin.

34 - dermis → pericyte

This might be resolved either with compound terms or with 'has part' axioms.

35 - dermis → pericyte cell

This row is duplicated and should be erased.

36 - hypodermis → endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel

This might be resolved either with compound terms or with 'has part' axioms.

37 - hypodermis → skin fibroblast

This might be resolved either with compound terms or with 'has part' axioms.

38 - hypodermis → T-helper 1 cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

39 - hypodermis → cytotoxic T cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

40 - hypodermis → regulatory T cell

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

41 - hypodermis → eosinophil

For immune system no action is planned yet. Compound terms can be a solution.

42 - hypodermis → Schwann cell

This is a very broad term, not specific for hypodermis. A compound term would be a good solution, or add a 'has part' axiom.

43 - hypodermis → perineurial cell

This is a very broad term, not specific for hypodermis. A compound term would be a good solution, or add a 'has part' axiom.

44 - hypodermis → smooth muscle cell

A compound terms would be the best solution, if not I could create a new term.

45 - hypodermis → type I cell of carotid body

Is glomus body (aka glomus coccygeum) the structure that the SME was thinking of? All the markers and literature are for glomus cell, but it isn't located in the skin.

46 - dermis → skin fibroblast

There is a more specific term: fibroblast of dermis (CL:0002551). Currently it validates with 'has part'.
