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ASCT+B Validation Reports for Thymus (2025-02-26)

Table of contents

Invalid terms

These are the reports related to issues in the terms found in the ASCT+B table. We validate only CL, UBERON and PCL terms.

Terms not found

This report provides a list of terms not found neither in UBERON nor in CL. Please remove these terms from the ASCT+B table - disconsider this message if a term was recently added to the ontology.

  • No issues found.

Typos or punctuation mistakes

This report provides a general quality check of the terms used in the ASCT+B table. Typos, font case (upper case), punctuation mistakes in IDs: two colons, spaces, underscore instead of a colon.

  • No issues found.

Different labels

This report provides a list of terms having different names/labels found in the ontology and related to the one found in the ASCT+B table. Make sure to add the term's name/label in the column AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL. If the SME wants to give another name/label, please use the column AS/N or CT/N. N is the number in the column.

If the term's name/label and the name/label given by SME are too different, please make sure the term ID and its name/label are matching in OLS.

If the name/label in the ontology contains obsolete, please look into OLS, clicking on the term ID, for its replacement.

  1. The term CL:0002059 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 2 rows 58, 79. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CD8alpha-positive thymic conventional dendritic cell and the one in the ontology is CD8-alpha-positive thymic conventional dendritic cell. For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is conventional dendritic cell 1. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.

  2. The term CL:0002460 has a different name/label in the source ontology in the following 2 rows 59, 80. The name/label in the ASCT+B table is CD8alpha-negative thymic conventional dendritic cell and the one in the ontology is CD8-alpha-negative thymic conventional dendritic cell. For reference, the given name/label by SMEs is conventional dendritic cell 2. Please correct it in the columns AS/N/LABEL or CT/N/LABEL in the ASCT+B table.

Blank ontology ID

This report provides a list of blank spreadsheet cells that often mean no ontology mapping found by the author. However, in some cases, a term with a synonym already exists. Please search in OLS.

You can find more information on the New CL terms or New UBERON terms reports.

  • No issues found.

Blank ontology ID missing parent

This report provides a list of CT terms with blank ontology ID without an upper term from Cell Ontology. Please, create an upper level in the ASCT+B table and add an upper term for them. Please, make sure the term without ontology ID doesn't exist in the ontology.

  • No issues found.

Terms from another ontology

This report provides a list of terms from another ontologies that we do not validate. Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) ontology IDs are provided when an adequate term is not found in UBERON. Same case for Anatomic Ontology for Human Lung Maturation (LMHA) and Interlex IDs (ILX) from Stimulating Peripheral Activity to Relieve Conditions (SPARC). You can request cross-database request the same way a new term request. Please be sure if a term with a related synonym is already in the source ontologies CL or UBERON or PCL.

  • No issues found.

Relationship reports

These reports are other representations of the ASCT+B table. We split each row into pairs with adjacent terms, resulting in a table with two primary columns, object (o), left side and subject (s), right side. The experts' labels for the subject and object are in the columns user_slabel and user_olabel. The other columns are the subject label (s_label) and object label (o_label), the label from the source ontologies.

The report means it could not find a partonomy relationship in the source ontologies, but it doesn't mean this relationship is entirely invalid. In some cases, the pair is in the inverse order. In other cases, the relationship is missing in the source ontologies. Finally, how it was modelled in the ASCT+B table is not aligned with the ontologies sources and needs a more general discussion.

How to read a table entry

In the ASCT+B table

lens lens UBERON:0000965 ciliary zonules suspensory ligament of lens UBERON:0006762

In the Relationship Report

s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel
UBERON:0006762 suspensory ligament of lens ciliary zonules UBERON:0000965 lens lens

Relationship AS-AS report

This table contains terms for anatomical structures that are related to each other according to the ASCT+B table but are not related to each other in source ontologies via one of the relation types we consider valid for ASCT+B tables. Valid relationships are: part_of, e.g. corneal endothelium part_of cornea; subClassOf, e.g. left kidney subClassOf (is_a) kidney; and overlaps (has some part in), e.g. ureter overlaps kidney; connected_to, e.g. TBA. part_of and subClassOf relationships should be specific to general, e.g. left kidney (specific) to kidney (general); corneal endothelium (specific) to cornea (general). The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.

s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel row_number deltaIC
0 UBERON:0002384 connective tissue connective tissue UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 12 45.7783
1 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 34 44.3182
2 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 16 44.3182
3 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 18 44.3182
4 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 22 44.3182
5 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 24 44.3182
6 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 36 44.3182
7 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 15 39.7532
8 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 14 39.7532
9 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 42 33.3972
10 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 40 33.3972
11 UBERON:0001013 adipose tissue adipose tissue UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 19 31.9035
13 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 87 30.8322
14 UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 89 30.8322
31 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 94 1.68556
32 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 85 1.68556
33 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 78 1.68556
34 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 79 1.68556
35 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 80 1.68556
36 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 81 1.68556
37 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 82 1.68556
38 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 83 1.68556
39 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 84 1.68556
40 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 93 1.68556
41 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 77 1.68556
42 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 86 1.68556
43 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 92 1.68556
44 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 87 1.68556
45 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 91 1.68556
46 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 90 1.68556
47 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 89 1.68556
48 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 88 1.68556
49 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 95 1.68556
50 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 66 1.68556
51 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 76 1.68556
52 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 70 1.68556
53 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 75 1.68556
54 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 67 1.68556
55 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 68 1.68556
56 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 69 1.68556
57 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 96 1.68556
58 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 74 1.68556
59 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 71 1.68556
60 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 72 1.68556
61 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 73 1.68556
63 UBERON:0010397 efferent lymphatic vessel efferent lymphatic UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 64 1.20076
64 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 43 1.14828
66 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 36 0.268851
67 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 34 0.268851
68 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 33 0.268851
69 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 32 0.268851
70 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 31 0.268851
71 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 30 0.268851
72 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 29 0.268851
73 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 28 0.268851
74 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 35 0.268851
77 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 16 nan
78 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 17 nan
79 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 17 nan
80 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 18 nan
82 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 19 nan
83 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 20 nan
85 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 21 nan
86 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 22 nan
87 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 23 nan
88 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 23 nan
89 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 24 nan
91 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 25 nan
92 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 26 nan
93 UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 27 nan
98 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 35 nan
100 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 37 nan
101 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 38 nan
103 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 39 nan
104 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 40 nan
105 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 41 nan
106 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 41 nan
107 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 42 nan
109 UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus UBERON:0002125 thymus lobule thymus lobule 43 nan
111 UBERON:8410062 parasympathetic cholinergic nerve parasympathetic cholinergic nerve UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 53 nan
112 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 54 nan
113 UBERON:0001591 thymic vein thymic vein UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 55 nan
118 UBERON:8410062 parasympathetic cholinergic nerve parasympathetic cholinergic nerve UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 60 nan
119 UBERON:0018243 thymic artery thymic artery UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 61 nan
120 UBERON:0001591 thymic vein thymic vein UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 62 nan
135 UBERON:0001591 thymic vein thymic vein UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 88 nan
137 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 90 nan
138 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 91 nan
139 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 92 nan
140 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 93 nan
142 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 94 nan
143 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 95 nan
144 UBERON:0003846 thymus epithelium thymus epithelium UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 96 nan

Relationship CT-CT report

In the case of the CT-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for sub class of, part of and overlaps in the source ontologies. The deltaIC score is included because a high score (>50) can indicate that this order is reversed, e.g. TBA.

  • No issues found.

Relationship CT-AS report

In the case of the AS-CT relationship, for each couple of terms, we verify for connected to and has part in the source ontologies.

s slabel user_slabel o olabel user_olabel row_number deltaIC
12 CL:0000764 erythroid lineage cell erythroid UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 25 31.5163
15 CL:0000576 monocyte monocyte UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 49 22.7004
16 CL:0002425 early T lineage precursor early thymic progenitor UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 29 20.6501
17 CL:0000764 erythroid lineage cell erythroid UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 39 20.5954
18 CL:0000097 mast cell mast cell UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 26 19.3919
19 CL:0000771 eosinophil eosinophil UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 27 16.7647
20 CL:0000786 plasma cell plasma cell UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 47 15.6715
21 CL:0000980 plasmablast plasmablast UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 46 15.2951
22 CL:0000771 eosinophil eosinophil UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 48 15.2951
23 CL:0000970 unswitched memory B cell memory B cell UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 44 10.5996
24 CL:0002436 mature CD4 single-positive thymocyte CD4+ T single positive thymocyte UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 50 8.79222
25 CL:0000972 class switched memory B cell memory B cell UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 45 8.43614
26 CL:0000623 natural killer cell natural killer cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 85 8.34103
27 CL:0000809 double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte double positive thymocyte UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 37 8.29526
28 CL:0002437 mature CD8 single-positive thymocyte CD8+ T single positive thymocyte UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 51 7.23538
29 CL:0000798 gamma-delta T cell gamma-delta T cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 75 6.87142
30 CL:0000771 eosinophil eosinophil UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 86 3.27873
62 CL:0000909 CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell CD8+ T memory UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 70 1.34089
65 CL:0000897 CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell CD4+ T memory T cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 68 0.608364
75 CL:0000866 thymic macrophage macrophage UBERON:0002122 capsule of thymus capsule of thymus 13 nan
76 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 15 nan
81 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 18 nan
84 CL:0000866 thymic macrophage macrophage UBERON:0004791 thymus trabecula thymus trabecula 20 nan
90 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 24 nan
94 CL:0009081 specified double negative thymocyte (Homo sapiens) double negative thymocyte 2 UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 30 nan
95 CL:0009082 committed double negative thymocyte (Homo sapiens) double negative thymocyte 3 UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 31 nan
96 CL:0009083 rearranging double negative thymocyte (Homo sapiens) double negative thymocyte 4 UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 32 nan
97 CL:0000883 thymic cortical macrophage macrophage UBERON:0006936 thymus subcapsular epithelium thymus subcapsular epithelium 33 nan
99 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 36 nan
102 CL:0000942 thymic plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell UBERON:0002123 cortex of thymus cortex of thymus 38 nan
108 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 42 nan
110 CL:0001070 beige adipocyte beige adipocyte UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 52 nan
114 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 56 nan
115 CL:0000866 thymic macrophage macrophage UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 57 nan
116 CL:0002059 CD8-alpha-positive thymic conventional dendritic cell conventional dendritic cell 1 UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 58 nan
117 CL:0002460 CD8-alpha-negative thymic conventional dendritic cell conventional dendritic cell 2 UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 59 nan
121 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0003988 thymus corticomedullary boundary corticomedullary boundary of thymus 63 nan
122 CL:0002436 mature CD4 single-positive thymocyte CD4+ T single positive thymocyte UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 66 nan
123 CL:0000934 CD4-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell cytotoxic CD4 T cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 67 nan
124 CL:0002437 mature CD8 single-positive thymocyte CD8+ T single positive thymocyte UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 69 nan
125 CL:0002038 T follicular helper cell T follicular helper cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 73 nan
126 CL:0002677 naive regulatory T cell regulatory T cells UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 74 nan
127 CL:0000899 T-helper 17 cell Th17 cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 76 nan
128 CL:0000940 mucosal invariant T cell mucosal associated invariant T cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 77 nan
129 CL:0000914 immature NK T cell immature NKT cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 78 nan
130 CL:0002059 CD8-alpha-positive thymic conventional dendritic cell conventional dendritic cell 1 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 79 nan
131 CL:0002460 CD8-alpha-negative thymic conventional dendritic cell conventional dendritic cell 2 UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 80 nan
132 CL:0000942 thymic plasmacytoid dendritic cell plasmacytoid dendritic cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 81 nan
133 CL:0000788 naive B cell naive B cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 83 nan
134 CL:0001078 group 3 innate lymphoid cell, human group 3 innate lymphoid cell UBERON:0002124 medulla of thymus medulla of thymus 84 nan
136 CL:3000002 sympathetic noradrenergic neuron sympathetic noradrenergic nerve UBERON:0001021 nerve nerve 89 nan
141 CL:0009073 medullary thymic epithelial cell type 3 medullary thymic epithelial cell type 3 UBERON:0003987 Hassall's corpuscle Hassall's corpuscle 93 nan

New CL terms


New UBERON terms


Informative reports (valid relationships)

Indirect relationship


Relationship AS has part CT
