Sequence Assays


Prepare your metadata based on the latest metadata schema using one of the template files below. See the instructions in the Metadata Validation Workflow document for more information on preparing and validating your metadata.tsv file prior to submission.

Related files:

Metadata schema

Version 2 (use this one)

Directory schemas

Version 2.0 (use this one)
pattern required? description
extras\/.* Folder for general lab-specific files related to the dataset.
raw\/.* All raw data files for the experiment.
raw\/fastq\/.* Raw sequencing files for the experiment.
raw\/fastq\/[^\/]+_R[^\/]+\.fastq\.gz The raw un-multiplexed fastq files.
lab_processed\/.* Experiment files that were processed by the lab generating the data.
lab_processed\/fastq\/DNA\/.* Directory containing fastq files pertaining to whole genome sequencing.
lab_processed\/fastq\/DNA\/[^\/]+\.fastq\.gz This is a GZip’d version of the fastq files from whole genome sequencing.
lab_processed\/fastq\/RNA\/.* Directory containing fastq files pertaining to RNAseq sequencing.
lab_processed\/fastq\/RNA\/[^\/]+\.fastq\.gz This is a GZip’d version of the forward and reverse fastq files from RNAseq sequencing (R1 and R2).